CIS 5.12 for Windows 8

Hello Everyone,

As some of you probably know, Windows 8 RTM has been released. This means people who have MSDN subscription or device manufacturers are already using Windows 8.

CIS/CAV/CFW 5.10 do not support windows 8. CIS 6, which is scheduled to be released end of OCtober, is going to be supporting Windows 8. However until that time, you may still need COMODO protection in your Windows 8 computers. So for those Windows 8 users, we created CIS 5.12 accessible from Free Antivirus for Windows 8 | Antivirus Free Download for Windows 8

CIS 5.12 fully supports windows 8.


1 - I do NOT use Windows 8 and I have CIS 5.10, do I need to install CIS 5.12?

No. You do not need to install CIS 5.12. We will be upgrading you to CIS 6 in a few weeks.

2 - Are CIS 5.10 users going to get updates?

No. We will not issue updates to existing users because we will be updating them to CIS 6 shortly.

3 - Is CIS 5.12 going to provide more security than CIS 5.10?

No. The only difference in CIS 5.12 is Windows 8 support.

4 - I am using Windows 7/XP/Vista, can I install CIS 5.12?
You can still install CIS 5.12 if you would like to do so.

5 - If I install CIS 5.12, am I going to be updated to CIS 6 when it is released?
Yes you will receive the updates.



You mentioned that there was 5.11. But I did not recieve the update from 5.10 .???

You edited. Sorry

My mistake. 5.10 not 5.11. Corrected the post.

Congrats with the release. Is this Windows 8 version based on 5.10?

Will there be an update to 5.11 for the non Windows 8 users?

Edit: Will this version fix the problem with CIS not filtering traffic when using the webshield in Avast 7 AV on Win 7/Vista?

Thank you for the release.

Does CIS 5.12 only work on Win 8 RTM or does it also support the release preview?


Will there be an update to 5.11 for the non Windows 8 users?
Edit: Will this version fix the problem with CIS not filtering traffic when using the webshield in Avast 7 AV on Win 7/Vista?

Yes it should work on all windows 8 flavors but we tested it with RTM only.

Congrats on the release

Thank you for the answer egemen.

End of the October is expected release date for CIS 6 beta or final?

Pretty sure Final

beta will be release in a few days according to Egemen.

DL’ing now. Glad to see a update for us Win8 users.

Win8 Pro 64bit. RTM here…

yes yes yes… been waiting for this

So sit for a couple of days on the Windows 8 RTM Enterprise x64 and today I saw that there was Comodo for Windows 8. Installed the product and connect the Internet immediately blue screen. Disable the Comodo, but the problem remained. Helped only disable network driver from Comodo, that is, “Comodo internet security firewall driver”. In this case, all the Comodo also monitored network. What’s the problem? The product is not finished by this axis, or something else? Another solution to this problem is? And tell us why you need this driver?

sorry for bad english. win 8 x64 enterprise. istalling only firewall. after reload the system BSOD.

That is the packet filter driver of the firewall. Without that it does not function; this driver needs to run.

You could try the beta version for the Release Preview which is based on v5.8.

Please zip and upload the minidumps here, you can find them in \Windows\Minidumps


Works 100% here… Windows 8 PRO X64