Why did you uninstall CIS? Please help us improve by telling us why.

Reason: “Application could not start because of an error connecting to its database” error. Reinstalling the program did not fix the error. GeekBuddy was unable to help other to suggest a Windows reinstall. Manually removing all keys referring to Comodo in the registry did.

I remain use CIS but…

Right now about 90% of the CPU busy cmdagent.exe process and I have no way to know what he was doing, as well as to stop it if it is unnecessary

Cmdagent.exe occupies about a quarter of available memory on my PC. Mostly it is virtual memory, but it’s still slow down.

It seems AV scans all files, even those that are marked as exceptions.

AV seems to use is not correct way to test the changed files. It allowing application to quickly close file and after that blocking access to file at the time of inspection. Usually it works, ensuring no delays, but sometimes causes failures in programs. For example, in cases when application closes recording file and after some time trying to open it again. Of course, may be there interfere any other application, the only way to check it out - remove CIS.

Haven’t they changed the GUI twice in the pas 2 years or so? How often to you need a new one?

Basically it’s the same that they had with Comodo Firewall 3 (2006-2007) but with a change in the skin



I forgot to say that I also want this on CIS 6 ;D

I have used COMODO for many years on my various PC’s but I have developed a problem on this specific PC under windows 7 whereby the Comodo system try notification did not start - even though the services were running and it was set to start up. This has the effect of Comodo blocking some program access without informing me it had done so, which lead to a lot of frustration. The tray would start if you ran the main Comodo application.

I had uninstall and re-install but this did not fix the issue. I am just about to run the clean up util after another uninstall and I hope that this will finally fix the issue and I can continue to use Comodo.

The first time I uninstalled comodo was because it would block attempts to close the interface by using the right click close window from the taskbar. Also, it would block killswitch trying to access comodo’s interprocess memory and the intrusion attempts reached over 1,000.

I tried using a different product for a bit and didn’t like how its scanner couldn’t be minimized. Either it was pinned to your screen or you had to navigate the interface to see details of the scan.

I came back to comodo because I really liked the firewall and I only allow connections to the internet if I know why a program needs to do so. I figured out how to create exceptions in defense+ and now I can close the interface via the taskbar and the “intrusion” attempts by killswitch are allowed. Despite a couple of minor annoyances and slightly difficult rule-making, comodo continues to be my favorite security product.

I uninstalled CIS to try Online Armor Free and uninstalled it the same day because the interface made me want to vomit. Then I tried Outpost Security Suite free a while but I didn’t like it because I felt it didn’t have the same level of proactive protection as the D+ sandbox, and the alerts took up the whole side of the screen. So came back to Comodo, although I think Outpost has a better firewall.

I have not uninstalled Comodo but I am blocking it from connecting to the internet in order to prevent it from downloading its dubious white lists and uploading personal data to your servers.

Consider the possibility that other users are doing the same and that you are getting an artificially low user count by your online tracker.

I also know two users who abandoned Comodo when they found out that they had to rewrite their complex Firewall and Defense+ rules when they upgraded to a newer version.

What personal data? ;D

Hello I have not uninstall, the next machine I put outpost and avast. Machine safety suffers :slight_smile: . Why? Well, this combination of RAM consumption is about 100Mb less is more agile system. I would be if the developers were thinking of reducing the burden on system resources. Next - when using the CIS, I found that if I use only a firewall or a complete CIS system load is practically the same. It would not be returning to the split installer? Thus, especially firewall and especially the CIS? Excuse my English.

I uninstalled Comodo Internet Security for one huge reason (Lack of performance). Ok, I have a monster of a PC (It is always super fast and tweaked for performance). My problem was while Comodo Internet Security was installed, it would consume lots of memory, and it would take forever for my PC to shutdown, about almost 5 minutes wait time for shutdown (Main reason for leaving CIS). Now, I am running Panda Cloud Antivirus, and I no longer experience memory problems or shutdown issues, PC shuts down anywhere between 5 to 15 seconds. If Comodo Internet Security were to introduce memory and shutdown fixes in their next release, I would definitely come back.

My compiled executables ;D or modifications thereof, at the very least ;D

Here is another posting: https://forums.comodo.com/empty-t69181.0.html ;D

Not to mention that Comodo has been caught with their hands on the PDF cookie jar: https://forums.comodo.com/news-announcements-feedback-cis/mergedcis-auto-submitted-confidential-pdf-files-to-comodofixed-in-build-1236-t69076.15.html ;D They fixed the issue ;D but my trust is ;D

I feel your pain. I fixed this by configuring Comodo as a blocked application and preventing it from connecting to the Internet.

I don’t have either of those problems…my PC starts up in about 30 seconds and shuts down in about 15 seconds.

I just installed CIS but if i uninstall it, it would be because it jams on the startup of windows like the program can not load DEFENCE+, i can not do a full scan because it consumes too much memory and i only have 1 gb RAM on my laptop.The AV comparatives also are very low, but that is not so an issue because is a new antivirus.

I started using CIS since version 3 beta (before Outpost was installed). I’ve uninstalled CIS 3-4 days ago because very poor CIS performance (in 5.8 beta too). I even can’t remember when it began. With CIS it takes nearly 20 seconds to Chrome start.

Finally I’ve purchased Agnitum Outpost Internet Security 1 year license. New Outpost 7.5 is called “Performance Edition” because of large performance improvements and it sales 20% off till 08.31.2011. In year I’ll try to back to CIS.

Obviously CIS is not the problem Chrome starts in a couple of seconds on my pc, Outpost Performance (marketing) edition is slower

Maaaaan, you wasted your money for a weaker protection…not good!