who's your favorite pokemon

Here you are

■■■■ that pikachu is evil as hell!!!

I liked pikachu a lot but now not any more!!

first get shin-ghanda out of pikachu and take pikachu to the hospital to recover a few years…

Stay … stay of me … >:( >:( >:( … keep distance or I’ll shoot you down… … grrrr …


:frowning: >:( >:(

You still love me, don’t ya


So I have a funny pokemon related story.

Back when the first pokemon movie came out, I went to see it with a couple friends. One named John, the other was Seth.

Now, John was (and is) really into pokemon. Matter of fact, John does a pokemon web comic, hosted here


So anyway, John is into pokemon, a lot. And Seth, well, in all honesty, he was just kind of a druggie, and was always up for doing anything silly.

So we go to see the pokemon movie at the mall, John driving us in his late 80’s model firebird. Seth was in the passenger seat, I was in the back seat behind Seth.

So we’re driving up to the mall parking lot, and there’s this one point where you have to either turn left or right, because there is a big curb there and a grass hill behind it, leading up to the parking lot. You have to go left or right.

So we’re driving up, and John guns it. We start hauling @$$ about 50 miles an hour, and we go straight.

Yes, we go straight up over the curb, and onto the grass hill. The front half of the car up on the hill, the rear still out in the road a bit.

Seth wasn’t wearing his seat belt, his head hit the windshield and cracked it up, but he was ok. John hurt his leg on the steering column, I was ok.

Well, what do we do next? John being a loyal pokemon fan, totally stoked to go see the movie, we just go ahead and watch the ■■■■ movie and leave the car there for a couple hours.

lol we get back, it won’t start, we gotta call for a ride and a tow truck. It was pretty much totaled. I think it broke the frame.

No, not even a car wreck stopped us from seeing the pokemon movie that day.


(:HUG) john the pokemon master,i bet he’ll vote for squirtle :-TU

DO you squirt too shin ganda?

(:HUG) no i’m electric type pokemon (:HUG)
btw, only 1 vote for i love ganda? >:(

Two votes ! Count me in too ;D

I wonder who voted for that …

i see one :THNK

i have secret admirer (:SHY)
the original choice is “other”, i changed it ;D

You little devil…

Commodus, do you have a mod account over at the 2+2 poker forums by any chance?

I saw a mod account by the name of Commodus over there the other day.



Fire (:AGY)fire <— Super sayn GANDA

Afraid not ;D But I do like poker :slight_smile: Especially strip poker with pretty girls ;D

Yep that is why you joined the Death Star I guess… (:WIN)

(:NRD) and I’m to late again… …

:cry: Lonely, I’m so lonely… there is nobody … hey Josh’s girlfriend … hey there ;D


Hey >:(! !ot!

This is about pokemon not poker, death stars, super saiyan Gandas, or strip poker.

Remember: “pokemon” not “poke-her-mon”

Yes sir! :P0l