who's your favorite pokemon

yeah, look at those off topic posters >:( ;D
we need more votes for “i love ganda” :THNK

Why ?


for my personal satisfaction ofcourse >:( what? you want me to post my gf’s photo too? then vote YES on josh’ thread >:( ;D
only 1 vote for i love ganda and it doesn’t count, since i vote for it myself :THNK

Hey Triple x,

Are you coming to get me or not ? You will reconise me, i’m like this


That’s not a real Pokemon >:(. That’s a penguin.

  1. so ?

I deleted it, it seems that they found out >:(


hahaha… (:LGH) you ■■■■ eXPerienced in funny stuff…


here I am again ;D


edit = deleted the image

SO I guess you are a LINUX fan ???..

  1. No I’m not, I’m a pingiun fan :stuck_out_tongue:

Here I am again

You’ll never catch me with your pokéballs ;D, I’ll keep changing clothes so you won’t reconize me O0


EDIT : deleted the image

hahah (:LGH) Do you know on what movie you remind me? …

No ?

it seems that they have a good antleaching tool as it keeps catching mine >:(


Oeps it seems that I missed something

Please read the specific license before using these pictures, copying part of or the entire Tux Factory is strictly forbidden.

If anyone of the tux factory reads it : I’m sorry, haven’t seen it and will stop leaching it :-[


haha (:LGH) well do you know that BATMAN movie and that penguin guy… :SMLR (:WIN)

:-\ Batman ??? who’s sees that ;D Not me …
→ this is a pokémon you know, only really hiden ;D (to stay on topic some way)


anyways that penguin was funny as hell! hmmm… maybe you look like him… (:WIN)

Catwoman is soo hot! (read: drool picture of ghanda)

[attachment deleted by admin]

:THNK !ot! pic, at least post bigger catwoman & smaller penguin :THNK ;D

2 vote for “i love ganda” :BNC

You didn’t have to register a second account to vote for yourself

:frowning: that’s for josh GF poll, i do really think i have secret admirer now (:SHY) (:SHY)

yes I will post some catwoman pics! ooh she is hot ■■■ hell!