Questions regarding development of CIS

But also no evidence that it is still alive or that it is being worked on, the Bug List is untouched since it was created back in January this year.

An absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

You either trust or you don’t - your choice

When new version?

I am sorry but repeat calls for a date of next release is not going to happen.

Comodo has learned from previous set release dates were missed and have been delayed.

You have two choices use it as it is, or find something else which protects you as well as CIS.

Nobody is forcing anyone to do bugs reports or report problems with their web sites etc.

Until a certain person returns to tell us CIS is useless I will continue to use it on my wife’s computer.


They promise again and again, a new version will arrive ‘soon’, and CIS is not discontinued, the Bug list is being worked on, etc. More than 1 year without a new CIS Premium build and 3 months since Ming promised a new version is coming ‘soon’.

Meanwhile we got a repacked CIS Pro on the main website with a list of fixes pointing only to activation related issues and nothing else.

This situation is lasting for more than 1 year and is a disrespect to the customers of both CIS Premium and CIS Pro, also a lack of profissionalism. Either Comodo Staff tell us the truth that CIS Premium is discontinued, or they show us some concrete proof that CIS Premium is not going to disappear and is in fact being worked on, with an estimated date for the arrival of a new release.

It doesn’t matter if a new version is not released in the promised date, they should just bring us some concrete evidence that CIS Premium is in fact alive, and not just empty promises, if they can’t or won’t then they simply tell us the blunt truth that it is discontinued and stop playing with our hopes.

Melih, the founder of COMODO and its former CEO, is online at the Itarian Forums on a daily basis and regularly answering questions from members. Why can’t he come here and openly talk to us about the CIS Project and what to expect about the future? Instead he came to the CIS Boards recently just to post a Link to another enterprise focused product and haven’t appeared since.

We are customers and ignoring your customers and leaving them in the dark is a terrible business practice.

It appears your version of soon and his are not the same.

I will repeat again two choices.

Nobody is forcing anyone to use CIS if you are not happy use something else.


That’s why I use it on my PCs :slight_smile:

Speech is silver, silence is golden - but not in business if you value your customers.

simple as that, right?

hi dude. can you provide the link for this enterprise forum? i would like to ask a few questions there…

Xcitium platform launch in August 2022. Is XIS Premium part of it?

Today comodo protected my tablet that was attacked by a program. The first time as long as own this tablet.

This “concern” is justified:

The following thoughts are also mine:
Melih is online there right now.

What a poor name choice. I am definitely not ‘Xcited’ for it. Why not invest money and resources to make the COMODO brand more well known and clear its reputation from past issues/mistakes? Also with a nice CIS release for home customers as a means of publicity. Could you imagine companies such as Kaspersky, Bitdefender changing their names? And to something as lame as ‘Xcitium’ which seems like the result of someone randoming slamming their head into a keyboard. No offense intended. Definitely a bad decision from business and marketing standpoint.

Using CIS or not is my prerogative as a user, but it looks very bad for Comodo to abandon its customers in the mud and ignore them for all this time. More than a year without a CIS Premium release, no Official Support for Win11, looks terrible for Comodo. Instead of conforming with the current situation I think long time mods/users like you should try to reach out to Melih and/or other Comodo Staff and see if a better dialog window with users on this Forum could be opened. Communication is leaving to desire for a long time.

Yes I know, everything is magical and shine. There are no issues or problems to be complained.

Regarding poor name choice, found this on respected Itarian forum :

We probably will get some news after the rebranding.

I’ve read worse (rebranding) names though. I don’t care much as long as they provide decent solutions.

I cannot update anymore, get this error:

Error: 0x80072ee7 - Der Servername oder die Serveradresse konnte nicht verarbeitet werden.

I am also not impressed with the branding, but the product is certainly more important than the label attached to it. I am also not really expecting to hear anything new regarding product development before August, which is not far away.

I recall reading about the rebranding and a consulting firm was mentioned. Somebody & Somebody Consulting, can’t recall the name. I’m wondering if it was that firm that Comodo is using to help with the rebranding. As Comodo IMO was and is a niche product, I get the sense that they want to take Comodo aka Xcitium to a wider audience. I wonder what that will mean and what that will look like. I genuinely hope that they don’t water down the product for the masses. To me, it’s the Comodo difference that makes a difference. Reliable protection from 0-day threats; and not by relying on elusive detection technology to do it.

Many competing products seem to cater to the set-it-and-forget-it crowd. That IMO is how to get big in this business, because most people don’t want to be bothered with the details; they want easy. But Comodo and most of the people on this forum are not really part of that demographic. So maintaining their core philosophy while significantly growing market share will be a challenge going forward. I hope they can accomplish both.

I just got a similar message.

Working again !

No, you don’t know:

Ok, magical and shine is the protecteion for decades on my devices. And not magical and shine is that hackers don’t sleep and may find ways to bypass prtotection if there is no update for a long time. But by now comodo do what it has to do: to be magical and shine, means to protect with “magical” power. There are no simple knops to be pressed and everyting is okay. But we have three magic ways to choose and modify the appropriate protection.
I, for one, sometimes view suggestions for improving the product somewhat skeptically and think what gateway this could open after the protection so far has not given threats a chance, either on my PC or now on the tablet. So where is the magic or the beautiful seem? CIS protects plain and simple and I hope gateways remain closed - without magic and sorcery.