Popup Alerts appear and disappear instantly..sometimes does not appear at all.

Popup Alerts appear and disappear instantly…sometimes does not appear at all.

Comodo Firewall
Windows 10 64bit
Windows Defender
Malwarebytes (not active)

firewall is set to Proactive security. custom rule set.

getting alerts popping up but disappearing before I could click anything. This is happening over and over again. no notification is appearing in many cases & because of this i am unable to change settings of auto containment, and others…

Check for dumps in ProgramData\Cis\Cisdumps folder, try turning off play a sound when an alert is shown.

the CisDumps folder is empty

I uninstalled the Comodo Firewall v10 and installed a new version v11. The issue got resolved but since yesterday again the notification suddenly appears & disappears.

I even unchecked the “Play sound when alert is shown” but the problem is not resolved. This problem is really irritating. How to solve this?

I kindly request anybody who has the knowledge to troubleshoot this issue to pls help… I even uninstalled and reinstalled the Comodo firewall v11 but the pop alert notifications just appears and then disappears in a fraction of a second. i need the popup alert functionality to work.

OS : windows 10

Does it happen with all Alerts? I have the same issue with Malwarebytes Update
Had to check the Firewall Log and manually add MBAMService.exe from C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware to the Application List, I think its because the Process tries to connect and kills itself so fast, causing the alert to disappear

I have the same problem for months now. All I can do is uninstall and reinstall to fix the problem which is not a solution. I have to do this at least once a week. It has been doing this since I’ve updated windows.

I have been using comodo for many years and this is the first time I am having major issues with it. It is so major that I am switching to the ■■■■ window firewall until I see a solution. This issue is interrupting my work, I have to teamview with a client and comodo firewall decided do this nonsense again. It keeps blocking my programming project as well. So goodbye comodo for now.

Without any more information on the issue, it won’t be looked into so really makes no sense to even say anything, especially if you are no longer going to use the product.

The dumps are empty because it is not an error or crash, the program is still running. What type of technical info can we supply? Is there any other error reporting or logs?

Other people on other forums are reporting the issue as well and note that it is after a Windows 10 update. The windows update added new features. Microsoft changed something that is causing conflict with the firewall software. This can only be fixed in a patch or update if it windows causing the issue.

The point is that more people reporting the issue will escalate it’s priority. I’ve yet to find anything that can replace Comodo firewall so I’d like to continue using it and supporting the developers but cannot because of the issue.

Run a diagnostic report and generate a Msinfo32 report, also try latest beta to see if you still experience the issue, also if you have dual or hybrid graphics installed force CIS to use one display adapter.

I have the same problem but I know I cause that. I deleted some applications rules in firewall including that for svchost.exe and soon Comodo firewall popup alerts started to appear and disappear quickly. Now I’m forced to use Training mode. How can I fix the problem to start with rules from the scratch?

Well, after restart works normally again. :-TU

Same issues here with the most recent CIS version.

Comodo Advanced/ Firewall/ Firewall settings/ set new onscreen alert timeout to

Is that what you mean?

No, it often happens for all pop-ups. I usually notice it when I want to disable the Containment feature.

I cannot turn off the firewall, because the pop-up window stays for 0.1 microseconds or maybe nanoseconds of even less. Probably Marvel’s Flash would be able to click the button, but I cannot. What should I do? I have the version
Thank you in advance

You should be able to open Comodo from the start menu and disable it thru the interface. Hope this helps

No, I even reinstalled it, but it doesn’t work after the last updates of Windows. It also crashes at startup.

I think Comodo firewall as some issue/bug with Windows 10. In all my PCs the pop ups last just microseconds and appear disappear without letting any possibility to know what it is happening. Reinstalling doesn’t solve the problem.

I merged your existing topic and moved it to bug reports as this is clearly an issue that needs to be fixed. You need to run the cisreporttool that will generate the necessary logs for Comodo to analyze. http://download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/cisreporttool/cisreporttool.exe run the tool as an administrator and provide a download link for the created archive that is generated in the same folder you run the report tool from.

also set up alert timeout doesnt work