New Version Available for Comodo Internet Security 2025

The link for premium not working.

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Installed this version on Windows 11 Home x64.
Then I set up the settings.
After when I clicked on the taskbar icon and then on Open the app doesn´t come up with a window.
After a reboot the icon isn´t even showing anymore.
In PC settings I cannot see CIS too.
8140 and 8152 also not working, same issues !
Last working version was 8012 !!!
What a mess !

Did a fresh installation of Windows 11 Home x64 and still the same !!!
System.txt (187.5 KB)

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Is it just me or this new version loads much faster? The UI has much faster response?

To set up Comodo, have you imported an old configuration ?

Clean install, no old config imported !
With old config imported it doesn´t work too !

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So you’re saying that no UI comes up with a clean install, but also with old config imported. How do you import the old configuration without using the UI to do that?

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I could set it up first and then I close the window and then I cannot reopen it again.
After a reboot even the icon is gone !
I explained it in my above post already !
This happens with all the versions after v8012 !
And 8012 is 4 years old now !

When you say “set it up first” does that mean you’re configuring settings within the program?

Yes !
I can set up everything in the program.
Then of course I close that window and when I want to open it again it fails to do so.
Clicking on the desktop icon also fails.

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My guess is you’ve stepped on the landmine setting “Rate applications according to the vendor rating”. Unchecking that causes problems. It worked up through version .8140, but broke in .8152.

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Yes, I unchecked this because I don´t trust vendors ! lol
Will try again and report back.
Will take a while.
I will remove CIS with the CIS removal tool and reinstall the new version with the rating checked.

Thank you very much CASSETTE !!!
This seems to work !

To the devs: Fix this please because I don´t want to trust the vendors !!!

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Now that it is working I will try to uncheck the 2 settings and see what happens then.

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If you uncheck “Rate applications according to their vendor rating”, it will cause the problems you’ve been describing. The other setting you can uncheck.


You are right ! Thank you very much !
You said it broke in version 8152, why it wasn´t fixed for the 8162 version ?

Clearly a bug !!!
Devs, please fix this !!!

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Got automatic update to

Got also a minor program update, version is still 8162.
Just to check, I unchecked “Rate applications according to the vendor rating” and my problem is still there which means it wasn´t fixed ! :sleepy:

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Your better approach is to trim down the vendor list to only software you use or try the list with just Comodo listed in the vendor list.

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Better solution would be to fix this bug !!!

But thanks anyway for the suggestion !
Will have a look at it when I am at home.

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