New Version Available for Comodo Internet Security 2025

Hello Dear C.O.M.O.D.O_RT, can you tell me when Comodo started to pop up “C_powershell.exe_6989217CDE27F5A937A4B6997129487C6B764533.ps1” what to do with it "allow and make trusted " or " prohibit and delete ? "

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I’m the same as you. I’ve already reported the Windows process (CompatTelRunner.exe) that generates this SCRIPT, but no one said anything, they simply told me to leave it, which I think is absurd.

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Hi. I have denied access to the C :\ProgramData\Comodo\Cis\tempscrpt folder, now the program does not create anything… Most likely this is diagnostic data that the program creates such log reports and disabling this function will not give anything, in my opinion…

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Thank you, I will do the same.

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Made NTFS Permission Tools, denied System and TrustedInstaller access, now no annoying notifications…


Any updates on my case (totally broken cis firewall module unable to work at all because of unable to monitor any network traffic after dozens of clean as possible reinstalls) @C.O.M.O.D.O_RT ?

I was asked to use this tool:
and provide the results on my own… but i am publishing link to this tool here because it is suspicious to me… The tool did a lot of “pings” to many internet addresses and at the end it uploaded a lot of data on its own… then there was ZERO response to my concerns in DM’s about this so i decided to publish this link to this tool here and let anyone else to test it if it is not a malware stealing personal data…

Any Ideas anyone ? Thanks

It’s complicated to talk about this, because I don’t think it ever worked, because the same thing happens to me, the same window keeps popping up over and over again.

Hi, Why is it complicated to talk about it.

On my old hardware this option does not exist but on my new hardware this option is available as I have a compatible CPU, so it sees it but does not like something for one reason or another I looked in the logs but do not see anything to assist but there is something it does not like and then can’t start or interface with correctly then the popup appears, I looked in the Bios and do not see any options at all for TDT support, If it never worked they why does this option/function still exist in this new version why not remove the code so its not there anymore, for now I thought just disable it again since it does not work, I remember reading something about this a year ago at that time my hardware was old so could not explore this, will it ever be fixed to work or is it currently being worked on for the next release perhaps, but if it was working then what would have been the benefits ?. Excited then deflated

Hi New_Style_xd & nik.luckin,

Thank you for reporting.
The powershell script are safe and you can add it as trusted.



Program won’t open or right menu click appear after impoting configuration from version. After minute message says COMODO Agent could not be started
I did uninstall, clean install and run cleanuptool

Thank you for your reply.

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Does anyone know how to inform me about this subject that I mentioned? :roll_eyes:

Hi New_Style_xd,

The team is checking on it.


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Hello @C.O.M.O.D.O_RT and forum friends, I just installed Windows 10 and installed CIS as my antivirus.
I updated the database without any problems.

The problem is the Web Filter database, it is at 6

How can I solve this problem?

The image below illustrates what I am talking about.

Hello. Dear C.O.M.O.D.O_RT, what do you say to this?

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In these videos note that a malicious dll payload ALREADY exists on the system waiting to be activated.How did it get there? Magic?

Seeding a system with malicious files and THEN activating them is not a sign of a breach, but instead one of a questionable video.

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Hello. Dear cruel sister, this is the opinion of one of my friends " ! Well, what can I comment on here, everything is the same as with CIS, the exploit payload, in fact, does not even start in the sand, although it should. The whole problem, apparently, is that the Chest of Drawers still does not control the injection of certain system utilities into the process memory. " Guest

This bundle cannot be intercepted either using a container or using HIPS.

The problem is this: the executable file (exe) is trusted and does not pose a threat. However, it accesses a malicious DLL.

Individually, these files are harmless, but when used together they become dangerous. However, a successful attack requires the user to place both files in the same folder on their own.

A key question arises: how did the executable become trusted? Perhaps the user himself did his best. "

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and if you do this