Finally tried 2025 and was forced to roll back after a series of frustrations.
Exported 2020 v12.2.2.8012 config/profile. Updated to 2025 v12.3.4.8162. Update went smoothly but all the old settings/profiles were gone. Disabled everything but the firewall, imported the old profile and switched to Classic theme. Restarted the program to take effect. Comodo failed to start.
Spent half an hour trying to uninstall it. The uninstaller failed to start. The CIS Cleanup Tool failed to uninstall. Ultimately was forced to restart into Safe Mode, deleted stuff manually and ran CIS Cleanup Tool from there to uninstall the rest. Waited through two reboots for it to finish.
Thinking that the earlier bug might have been related to some leftover 2020 settings, decided to reinstall and go through the settings first before restarting the program (hoping that changing settings would trigger a clean, non-buggy profile save). Reinstalled 2025. This time, disabled everything but the firewall, switched to the Classic theme immediately, restarted. Everything appeared to be okay. Imported the v12.2.2.8012 profile to restore the firewall rules and tried clicking on the Settings button. Nothing. Tried clicking on everything else. Not a single UI element worked.
Safe Mode, uninstall, and two reboots later, I’m back on 2020 v12.2.2.8012.
I have no interest in trying again at the time, but my current guess is that it’s either a bug with the Classic theme (as I haven’t tried importing the old profile with the default one) or it’s a general bug with importing the 2020 profiles. If it’s the former, the default theme is an impractical, unbearable eyesore compared to this
But at least that would at least be a temporary workaround. If it’s the latter, I have hundreds of firewall rules I have no intention in adding again manually. If it’s a problem with importing old profile settings, it either needs to be fixed or you need to implement a separate export feature for exporting firewall Application Rules (and preferably Rulesets, Network Zones, and Portsets) separately, so they can be imported into the new version.
P.S. At this rate of development, I don’t suppose we’ll ever see firewall support for VPN protocols, will we?