Dear cruel sister, I kindly ask you to explain to me why Xcitium Client Security, configured to the maximum, did not protect the system against the same Chest of Drawers killer exploit.
Can anyone tell me about this issue that I did a few days ago.
Before the value was 71335.
Today it is showing a lower value, as if it had reset.
Can anyone tell me if this is normal and why it happened or is it just another bug?
Hello, the above post is from a virtual machine that I have.
On the real machines it is at 71335, it has been 10 days and it has not changed,
Why is it like the images I posted above on the virtual machine?
I updated my real machine and it is still frozen at 71335, but on the virtual machine it is at 22
What could this be?
Are you not tired of whining yet? You forgive me, but I’m tired of it!
What difference does it make to you what is shown to you when it is more important what is actually in CIS servers? And there is exactly the number that is accumulated on the current day, and what comes to you is a fiction. Do not waste time on nonsense, please, you have become too much here … For all (almost everyone), CIS works almost without problems, and you have a new problem every day. How much is it possible? Maybe you will go to another antivirus?
Hello friend,
I like CIS antivirus, that’s why I’m here asking about it.
I wanted to know if it’s a problem with me or a BUG.
I’m just asking questions like any other user with doubts.
This is a nano-problem, forget and throw it out of your head.
71362 shows me.
I understand, but this result still appears here for me, I’ll wait until tomorrow.
To see the result. Thanks anyway.
Both Xao_Fan-Tzilin and I gave replies to the version number as requested, is there any news yet when the internal updaters will start working to bring all users up to date ?
As an ex-developer many years ago, when beta testing and a single user has so many problems that no one else has I could guarantee it wasn’t a problem with the code…