List of current bugs discussion

Ok for me :-TU

Unfortunately, I still get the “decoding” problem while trying to update the database and software - error while decoding, two red “x-s”…
Tried to download bases directly - error from - suspended or not configured…

I confirm now

Edit: CIS > Server Comodo down



Dont think that is a bug though. If you wonder why:

Open - click Ressources\Forums - redirects to
Check:;msg919729#msg919729 - “Comodo is now Xcitium”;msg920325#msg920325;msg921126#msg921126 *;msg920110#msg920110

So they finally shut off the CIS & Co Download servers. At this point one may does wonder this forum is still alive.
Guess its time for ossec, Snort, Zeek or likes.

I am not xcited yet. :frowning:

Whatever happened to Melih? Are you still around here sometimes, old friend?

Update error still at my end UK.

RE: Xcitium: they ported over the itarian forum to xcitium which is why you go to that page on the main comodo site as that’s the business page. Had some redirect errors clicking on For Home at the top.

Updates to signatures don’t matter much as containment will catch anything and cloud lookup still happening.

Not actually CIS but CIS related: ISE still bugs and hogs memory and later hogs processor power.

Signatures not updated doesn’t matter much until CIS starts whining that DBs are too old.

softwares of security consumes a lot of resource… CIS is is the one that consumes less and has greater anti-logger protection… :-TU

Erro: 0x80072f8f - problem in communication server and pc…

Hi all,

The Av update issue has been fixed.
Check and let us know your feedback.


updating database

Ok for me

Everything working fine here again as well.

Thank you

Working fine now (UK)

Unable to send file for review

Anyone else notice that on this LONG thread on bugs there is no mention of failed protection?

The main point - always missed :-TU

So true, protection still flawless :wink:

Can anyone tell me if the latest CIS version works with VPN TAP adapters? I was hoping to recommend CIS as our corporate firewall, but I know if it won’t work with a VPN the answer would be a hard NO.

I know that like most firewalls CIS does not work with TUN or WireGuard, so the TAP adapter with OpenVPN is the way to go. I can’t get CIS to work with the Proton VPN TAP adapter (enabling Proton VPN completely disables CIS) and I’m wondering if I have to revert to CIS so my VPN will work again.

Hi ZorKas,

Thank you for reporting.
We are checking on this.


Hi Benedict,

Thank you for reporting.
May i know your win version along with system bit type ?
And proton version ?


Windows 7 x64
Proton VPN 2.2.0

I know from previous posts that Comodo Firewall has not supported the VPN TAP adapter since after v12.0.0.6882 and that this is a known problem with Comodo.