Hi Benedict,
Thank you for providing the requested information.
We will check and update you.
Hi Benedict,
Thank you for providing the requested information.
We will check and update you.
As far as I am concerned, I have no problem with VPNTunnel under Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2 Build 19045.2251
Comodo Internet Security 2020 v12.2.2.8012
Thank you ZorKas. Can you tell me how do you have your VPNTunnel zone set up?
Hi ZorKas,
Could you please check your inbox for pm and respond ?
Hi Benedict,
Comodo CIS defers Adapter interface connection to network zones
The choice of IP is that of the VPN server
01/12/22 08:56:00 Loading user config
01/12/22 08:56:01 Checking VPN login details
01/12/22 08:56:02 Waiting for an active internet connection
01/12/22 08:56:07 Response: True (NONE, )
01/12/22 08:56:07 Checking for new versions of VPNTunnel
01/12/22 08:56:07 Running latest version of client (v4.17.0.0)
01/12/22 08:56:07 IP: ...244
01/12/22 08:56:07 In: ,
01/12/22 08:56:07 Checking OpenVPN TAP driver and adapter
01/12/22 08:56:08 OpenVPN TAP driver installed, OK!
01/12/22 08:56:08 OpenVPN TAP network adapter exists, OK!
01/12/22 08:56:28 Connecting to au.vpntunnel.com with openvpn_udp
01/12/22 08:56:29 Connecting to OpenVPN management console
01/12/22 08:56:29 Verifying username/password
01/12/22 08:56:31 Downloading config files
01/12/22 08:56:35 Assigning IP address
01/12/22 08:56:37 Connected
01/12/22 08:56:40 Refreshing current IP / location
01/12/22 08:56:55 IP: 180..**.**4
01/12/22 08:56:55 In: Sydney, Australia
Ошибка после установки Comodo Firewall
Привет. Меня зовут Юрий. У меня проблема с установкой Comodo Firewall. После установки сразу появляется ошибка, которую никак не устранить. Пробовал удалять полностью и ставить заново и проверял и исправлял ошибки в системе Windows 10 pro. Ничего не помогает. Месяц назад все работало нормально и вдруг появилась ошибка.
Hi YrijKhab,
Thank you for reporting.
Use the below link to uninstall CFW completely.
http://download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/ciscleanuptool/CisCleanupTool_x64_3.1.0.45.exe (Note: While using this tool, it may prompt to restart the pc once or twice so restart the pc according to the tool prompts.)
Then download and install comodo firewall version using below link and check.
Kindly let us know your feedback.
Good day. Carried out the actions you indicated. The error remained
Hi YrijKhab,
Thank you for reporting.
Could you please share us the screenshot of the error message while installing CFW ?
In addition share us the screenshot of host file located in the location C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
And make sure that you don’t have any other security software installed .
i dont have the ways of reporting this problem here as I will no longer install cis again but Ill explain what happened on my machine these few past months.
I had to buy a new hdd so I bought an simple (chinese) ssd (branded as goldenfir). all was good so I decided to install cis on it. all was still good until some few months ago (maybe 2 or 3 months). my pc started to lag as hell during any usage. the situation continued as i was thinking about the cheap ssd i was using. I guessed hey, its a cheap simple ssd. maybe its the default behaviour or it or its damaed already, and i continued to do my works while suffering on it.
today i had to unninstall cis as i was facing some problem with some script im working on. so, i was going to unninstall cis, do my job, and reinstall cis again but hey! ill not do that as im now facing some miracle here. after i unninstalled cis, the pc becomes responsive again, without the lags and stutterings. so, yeah, good bye comodo.
maybe if they release something new, solving these crazy bugs that still remains (for almost 3 years), i come back to cis, but untill then… no go for me.
thats it. as i removed it and the pc is working flawless again, ill not reinstall it, so i can not provide some sofrt of bug report. sorry about that.
Good day. Sending
I have to say I also had some scenarios like this in the past, where the Comodo install eventually just starts messing up the system on some machines after some time
(Throwing errors, getting messages about comodo crashing and sending a report, or even complete stuttering of PC…its like the services start crashing for some reason)
But its usually possible to resolve it by complete cleanup of Comodo and reinstall
I am not sure what is wrong when that starts happening
Dont have any recent logs, as lately I was not setting up many new PCs
I guess if I see it again, I might check for some logs
my guess is that maybe its something related to the windows updates that microsoft rollout and eventualy break things. maybe its microsoft fault, but eventualy they solve these issues and the issues with cis remains as comodo doesnt update it to be fully compatible with latest windows so as i need this pc (and others) to do my job, i cant be patient and wait for something to happen from comodo. my best bet was to remove it and stay away… atleast untill comodo brings some news about cis and any updates. for now, no cis for me and my clients.
In last months with windows 11 is so many, many problems.
I buy each here, so much years, but this time is so many problems not solved I not buy again.
blue screens … again more now with last udapte
this days I try to change with mouse the options on menu context… and it is not change I have open the comodo and only inside comodo I can change.
So this last problem to understand better:
I try change with mouse in Firewall the “Custom Ruleset” to disable
I can do it!
I have open the firewall in all and inside Firewall I can change - only here.
Same to others menu context… Virus… etc.
I am la ot unhappy with Comodo - after long years ago!
Hi josecetos,
Thank you for reporting.
Could you please check you inbox for pm and respond ?
Hi YrijKhab,
Thank you for providing the requested information.
from the above screenshot, we could see that your host file have connected to some servers. (Refer the attached pic.)
So kindly put “#” to those servers and save the host file.
Now restart the pc and check CFW.
Hello. I performed the actions you indicated in both files. After that, I completely removed the firewall and installed it again. The result is that the error remains.
Hi YrijKhab,
Thank you for reporting.
This error shouldn’t occur.
Have you installed/running any other security software other than comodo firewall ?
And kindly provide us the host file screenshot again.
Hello. Now I have Windows 10 PRO installed with a pre-installed standard security package, already mostly turned off by me. No additional security programs or applications are currently installed.I am attaching the error file and what you asked for.
Hi YrijKhab,
Thank you for reporting back.
We have installed CFW v12.2.2.8012 in test environment(Win 10 PRO) and it runs without any issues. (Refer the attached pic Firewall.jpeg)
However we will take your case to the team notice and update you.