Intermittent problems with downloading of installers and updater since April 17

Hooray, the onlines are back again. :smiley:

I booted to the other Windows 10 installation on my desktop. All installers can be downloaded and the updater does not show errors. However the AV database is still at 33450 where the other Windows 10 installation is at 33453.

Could others report to what the installed AV signatures database they have installed on CIS and state in what country or continent they are?

33453 - UK after a fresh install.


Thanks Eric. Interestingly odd. I fired up my old netbook earlier but after your post, which was also still at 33450, and it neither would update to 33453.

The download of the installers is successful.

Edit. I booted the Windows 10 main installation and when I ran the updater it would stay at database 33453. When I set the update server to the beta server it updated to 33454. Apparently the regular server is slightly out of sync.

:-TU Upgraded from 33450 to 33454 via beta server.

update at normal time 33454

No problem.

Just did a manual check for update. There was an error with websites database but main signatures successfully updated to 33454. See attached.

Might be worth you trying a full reboot if still no luck.


Hello my is not updating from 33453 to 33454 database ?

Where are you in the world?

No problem with the Signature update in the UK about 4 hours ago. Website Database error since early this morning

im from The Netherlands Europe , still not updating database from 33453 to 33454 , how can I connect to beta server ?

Look at the image provided in Reply #33 of this thread. That image tells you how to connect to the beta server.

are these the latest database en website database updates ? Thx CISfan for help how to update with beta server . :slight_smile: Database version 33454 and website database 60523 updated with beta server. my website database is not updating to 60525 ?

MOD EDIT: Edited image to obscure product key and re-uploaded.

My findings.

Windows 10 main installation. With both the regular and the beta update server it stays at 33454 (60523) website database at . On my Windows 10 secondary installation (Insider Release Preview Channel) the database stays at 33450 when using the regular server. I will keep the secondary Windows 10 installation at the regular server with database 33450 and see if and when that gets updated.

What av database is installed with you? Have you been using the regular server consistently or did you also try the beta server in the process?

The installers can be successfully downloaded and updating shows no errors at this moment.

Could people from various parts of the world let us know what their installed av database and website databases are and whether they are using the regular server or the beta server? The AV and website databases appear not be properly synched. It is probably only effecting the European branch of the CDN; so I need information from Europe and other parts of the world to see where things are.

EricJH with regular server did not update database and website database but with beta server it update database to 33454 but the website database stay with 60523 not update to 60525.

Thanks for confirming. I think you are comparing with Eric Cryptid. He is in the UK and his findings seem to suggest the UK is different from finding across the continent. I assumed that the UK would be part of the European branch of the CDN but his finding suggest that may not be the case. Thatโ€™s why I asked Ploget specifically to respond because he is also from the UK.

Please keep on posting your findings from across the world. :slight_smile:

W10 Famille - 20H2 - 19042.928 / CIS PRO :

Error with the URL Database

AV Database : 33 446

Region : Greater Paris area

Thank you. I see CIS tries to update the AV database but it gets terminated in the process. Could you check in Tasks Logs what database is available online?

In attachment screenshot

Thank you. It seems that the server wonโ€™t update. It appears to simply mirror the local database as being the latest online available database.

Could people from Europe, UK, Americas (both North and South America) and Asia/New Zealand/Australia update and see what databases CIS has installed for the av and website filter definitions? That will greatly help me to determine the scope of the issue. It looks like it only effects Europe. The UK may not be part of the European branch of the CDN but of the American branch.

The AV Database is still 3354 still. I always add the Beta Server address in any new install and never change that