Hi! I did everything described in the tutoral, but i still have low id. I have router, but I forwarded emule ports. Also Kad says firewall as state. Please help. I have no idea what I did wrong.
Does it work when you disable the firewall? If not, your router isn’t configured properly.
Firstly thanks for instructions. I’ve followed them all, no problem, except KAD is not working fine, it only finds very few files when i search something. Protocol analysis is not checked, and i followed all other things that is written in the post. Still no way for effective KAD. Any idea?
I didn’t added a new rule for Emule and Miicrotorrent and I can use both programs without any problem, should i worry abou it ??
ok I disabled protocol analysis
ok, I set up the rules…
I ran the stealth port wizard…
I set Emule to my new application rule Emule
I still get lowID
Hi, I upgraded to CFP-3 and I receive low-id with emule. I did all the steps you advised, but when
I try to change the following - it is NOT saved !!!
Go at Firewall → Common Tasks → Stealth ports wizard and choose
Alert me to incoming connections- stealth my ports on a per-case basis
Please advise,
I installed the free Comodo Firewall yesterday. Before reading this thread, I had already started emule and told Comodo (when it popped up) to treat emule.exe as a trusted application.
Now, after reading your tutorial I want to change it so that the set of emule rules are applied. But I can’t find how to do that.
Can you help me please?
what’s wrong with just letting emule having “Allow IP In/Out from IP any to IP any where protocol is any” in the Network Security Policy???
seems to work fine with these settings.
i did do everything u said…very logical
but still i couldnt connect to emule and kad came firewalled
i disabled firewall and it got connected and worked as smooth as butter !
sad…i have to do that always i need a rare file from the net !
i take back my words
pando is a genius !
it got fixed !
Thanks, this is exactly how it should be. I used to have everything as Trusted App and I didnt like that but now its all good. Ima fix it my other 2 pcs now. Thanks again
If eMule has been executed previously, and Commodo does not ask you how to treat the application when you run it, create the rules as shown in the original post, then:
FIREWALL >> ADVANCED >> NETWORK SECURITY POLICY >> find eMule on the application rules tab, click it, then
EDIT >> USE A PREDEFINED POLICY >> select eMule from the drop down list, click apply, click apply again
run eMule.
Hi everybody,
I did everything that was written here, but still when firewall is disabled everything works perfectly, when the firewall is active the emule is not working correctly.
Cannot connect to the servers, lowid, the offical site shows that TCP is blocked.
What else can I do to correct this.
I’m not a newbie in this, but I spent not a reasonable amount of time to configure one application. (:SAD)
Thanks a lot.
Hi, everyone:
I installed CF3 the day before yesterday, I have made some predefined policy for my eMule, but when I fired up the eMule I could not find my eMule policy, I chose “Trust Application” instead and it works fine I can still get “HighID”,
I 'm just wondering why …, I still like to make some rule for my emule, can anyone help?
Thanks (:HUG)
It all depends. Are you behind a hardware firewall?
Hi Vettetech :
What do you mean " behind a hardware firewall, do you mean a router, I have forwarded the emule port to my PC already, without CF3 was working fine.
By the way how is CF3 handling UPnP?
If you have a router and its fully stealthed and port forwarded to eMule then your safe. Making eMule trusted in Comodo is fine. I do that with uTorrent.
Thanks, Vettetech (:CLP)
Comodo firewall will work with frostwire am i right?
Frostwire like Limewire has a built in configuration for firewalls. No special settings for Comodo needed/ When you launch Frostwire you will see the bricks on the bottom left.