I’m having a problem in applying the incoming TCP/UDP port rules on my Vista Ultimate system to a specific application like eMule.exe or uTorrent.exe. When I do so, the rules don’t fire and the ports remain blocked.
I can get the incoming TCP/UDP port rules to work when I apply to the “All Applications” file group.
When I look at the logs, the application showing is “Windows Operating System” and not eMule.exe or uTorrent.exe.
Is there something wrong with my setup that is keeping me from getting the rules to work with the specific applications?
Yes I followed the tutorial for V3 to set up parameters for Emule that is I followed exactly what was specified st the beginning of tutorial and also tweaked parameters for LOW ID. Nada nothing I see that emule was listening in
but it would not hook up or pass the connection test for testing ports. and I went through and read and read
and rechecked values and changed #5 to allow and and and–whats left? version 2 worked like a champ and
then updated to V3 5monthss ago and then emule extreme mod became corrupted this weekend I reinstalled it no cigar so I am trying Mephisto instead
which is similar but I cannot get testing ports to give green light. where can I go–? (:NRD)
NerdRD) javascript:void(0);
Comodo Rocks But not right now!! Pleeze show me hope I miss my P2P ! Its definetly not connecting yet.
Probably something stupid and yes my Browser does work.
I too have followed the tutorial but even with Comodo turned off I cannot get the Firewall to show off. When checking the log “view firewall events” I noticed that svchost starts exactly at the moment I start eMule and the application shows UDP blocked. I have tried to config this to trusted application yet emule still shows FW. Any ideas?
WinXP sp3/ Comodo 3/ emule v0.48
These are the rules I have set up for eMule. Mine runs 24/7, and has no probs with connections.
Note too, I am behind a router with the udp and Ip ports eMule is using open for valid eMule requests to my machine, block all others.
No security issues and port testing from within eMule is successful.
Does it work if CFP3 is set to disabled? If so, set CFP3 to learning mode and start eMule. Alternatively set eMule as trusted Application. Those ways however are not very security-oriented.
You are sure that with CFP2 eMule works with your current router config?
Duh—Today Sunday I remember I had to do something with my 2Wire Router with CFP2 BEFORE
so I will have to go back and restep those steps and open ports etc. Either my Router
switched permissions or I dont know— so time to redo things most likely. My Router–
well I dont own it------ ATT does for my Broadband/ Uverse signal so I let the router thing
pass on by—I will be back if this does not work. Thanks for seeing my bump “Weaker” as I was
losing my cooooll! Didnt think I would get this running—anyway I probably have it set up more
secure now. What would be THE BEST if there was a tutorial reminding people about if this/ then that
and QUICK FIXES for permissions if you have emule or other commonly used, trouble areas,
that people, users fall into having trouble with and then they are complaining about your product
design instead of THEIR inabilities to set it up with your user notes later on.
–My 2 cents-- (:WIN)
Emule used to work perfect with Comodo (with the rules that result from “Training mode”). Then for no apparent reason I recently got Low ID, Firewalled status etc., and downloading took ages. I followed the Tutorial by Pandlouk (with the 6 Predefined Firewall settings) and although I still have Low ID/Firewalled status, Emule is working fine again… (Comodo is set to safe mode) The only thing I wonder about is why I get all these in/out UDP connections from the out of range sort/destination ports. But I guess I should just ignore it.
I’ve had problems with cmdagent using 50 % of my CPU. This with eMule active but I added Http port 11366 in “my Port sets”
And now I cant measure any use of cmdagent.
My question is will this be a security problem?