Firewall Tutorial for Emule with Comodo Internet Security

How to configure Comodo firewall 3 or 4 for emule.

  1. Go to : Firewall → Advanced → Attack Detection Settings → Miscellanous and disable Do Protocol analysis

  2. Go to : Firewall → Advanced → Predifined Firewall Policies and select Add…

Give a name at the new Predifined Policy for example: Emule

Add the following rules:

Rule 1

Action = Allow
Protocol = TCP
Direction = In
Description = Rule for incoming TCP connections
Source Address = Any
Destination Address = Any
Source port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / end port = 65535)
Destination port = your TCP port of emule

Rule 2

Action = Allow
Protocol = UDP
Direction = In
Description = Rule for incoming UDP connections
Source Address = Any
Destination Address = Any
Source port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / end port = 65535)
Destination port = your UDP port of emule

Rule 3

Action = Allow
Protocol = TCP or UDP
Direction = Out
Description = Rule for outgoing TCP and UDP connections
Source Address = Any
Destination Address = Any
Source port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / end port = 65535)
Destination port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / end port = 65535)

Rule 4

Action = Allow
Protocol = ICMP
Direction = Out
Description = Ping the server (edk network)
Source Address = Any
Destination Address = Any
ICMP Details = ICMP Echo Request

Rule 5

Action = Ask (enable Log as a firewall event if this rule is fired)
Protocol = TCP
Direction = Out
Description = Rule for HTTP requests
Source Address = Any
Destination Address = Any
Source port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / end port = 65535)
Destination port = 80

Rule 6

Action = Block (enable Log as a firewall event if this rule is fired)
Protocol = IP
Direction = In/OUT
Description = Block and Log All Unmatching Requests
Source Address = Any
Destination Address = Any
IP Details = Any

  1. Start Emule. When Comodo asks you with a popup, choose Treat this application as select Emule and enable Remember my answer.

Have a nice file sharing. (:WIN)


If you have connectivity problems:
Go at Firewall → Common Tasks → Stealth ports wizard and select
Alert me to incoming connections- stealth my ports on a per-case basis

Because of a bug you must change the rule 5 (for HTTP requests) to allow. I hope this will be resolved with the next updates.

Could you please elaborate on why you need to disable protocol analysis? What’s the reason? Performance?

Comodo’s protocol analysis blockes some packets of the KAD network. Although it does not impact performance, it interfears with the search ability in kad.


Are these settings same for Limewire too?


They should work with almost all the filesharing programs. (probably limewire will not have any problem with those rules).

Hi Pandlouk

I have followed your decription, but it seems that the search function in emule is not longer working.
I can download the files that are still in the transfer list, but I can´t add new files to the search fearture because I do not get any results.
What´s going wrong?


Hi Metamagic,
and welcome at the comodo forums (:HUG)

Did you disabled Do Protocol analysis?

Hello Pandlouk,

thanks for your quick reply,

Yes, protocal analysis is disabled.


The search in kad should work fine with those rules. Are you talking about the search through the servers?
Try to perform a search and check your cfp log to find out what port/protocol is blocked; if it is the port 80/tcp change the rule #5 from ask to allow; cfp has a bug and the ask rules are treated as blocked.

Hi Pandlouk,

in the meantime I have removed CPF3 vom my computer and reinstalled it again.
Now everything seems to be working fine.
Thanks for your help and your tutorial.

Nice tutorial, thanks.

Great! :BNC

Now we want another tutorial for torrent clients! (:TNG)


I just upgraded from CPF2 to CPF3, so the interface is all very new to me. I followed the above instructions for emule exactly but something is wrong because I’m connecting to servers and kad with a lowID. Disabling the firewall for a moment produced a highID so clearly it’s not anything else causing it.

Protocol analysis is off.

Any help much appreciated.

Go at Firewall → Common Tasks → Stealth ports wizard and choose
Alert me to incoming connections- stealth my ports on a per-case basis


Wohoo :slight_smile: fixed, thanks =)

I have configure Lphant whit my 2.4 version same as the Emule, whit of course TCP 4662 and UDP 4772. No problems. Workinfg fine whit High ID. I try to do the same whit version 3 following your instructions but changing to the Lphant ports. No way I try 3 or 4 times, but nothing work, allways Low ID, and Comodo not ask nothing to me, Any Idea?

Hi from Spain,
Very good tutorial :■■■■
I’d like to know about some details:
Could you explain why in rule 4 you only allow outgoing conections from one source port (the one configured in emule)??
Which is the problem allowing any conection outgoing from UDP source port (or 1025-65535)
In fact, in Firewall Events I receive lots of conections with this caractheristics bloqued (especially at first, when I launch emule, and from 2059 UDP source port, but not only)
You also block reservered destination ports 0-1024 and there are logs of conections from my TCP/UDP port to those destination ports (blocked). Is there any problem allowing them (I sopose someone uses reserved ports in emule).
About the rule for HTTP request. If I check if there is a new version, IExplorer opens and no question is made. Should I be asked by the firewall before?
Thanks a lot (:WAV)

Start Emule. When Comodo asks you with a popup, choose Treat this application as select Emule and enable Remember my answer.

That d,ont happens to me…

I finally have the Lphant working whit high ID on the new version, I follow the tutorial from the Emule but I change the TCP port to 4662 and the UDP to 4672,. Rule 5 changed from Ask to Allow and I make this selection:Go at Firewall → Common Tasks → Stealth ports wizard and choose
Alert me to incoming connections- stealth my ports on a per-case basis.
Now is stable and doing a very nice job.

this is not exactly about emule but i can’t seem to find the way to start a new topic. My question is how to configure utorrent and other bittorrent clients. help plz