Firewall Tutorial for Emule with Comodo Internet Security

When I try to enable UploadSpeedSense, it fails and I get the following in the log:

“Tracerouting failed too many times. Disabling Upload SpeedSense.”

Anyone have any idea on how to remedy this? Thanks for the help.

EDIT: In Global Rules, I made ICMP In/Out and USS now works. I was hoping it would stop the System Idle Process blockage too, we’ll see how that goes…

Check here. If it gives you problems with the servers change the ask rule to allow.

thank you for your help .

your work will be appreciated (:WAV)

Can anyone provide a possible reason for my not being able to connect to ED2K on eMule? KAD appears to connect properly. I’ve triple checked all the settings indicated in the guide. I had the same situation when I previously created similar definitions under Network Security Policy, before coming across this guide. Any ideas would be appreciated.


Please ignore. Updating the entire server list did the trick. Can’t understand why NONE of the existing servers were reachable. Never mind, thanks anyway.

Everything seems to work fine, except for rule 4. The firewall is registring alerts for outgoing UDP from my emule port to ports that are not in the range. Most of the alerts go to port 53. Some alerts are incoming UDP that are not in the range. (:SAD)

So whats up with rule 4???

They are DNS requests. You do not need them unless you select to manually update emule.

I updated the guide. :smiley:

I have ServerUDPPort port fixed at 33702 UDP.


The random port ServerUDPPort.
If it’s not open, global searches are not made or receive sources except the server you are connected to.

With the defined rules in this tutorial, ServerUDPPort is not open.

¿What would the rules be?


Just duplicate the #2 rule and use the ServerUDPPort at the Destination port. :wink:

Are you sure that the direction is “IN”?? Maybe there has to be another rule for “OUT”.

Have a look at the registering:

Look at the errors I get with the servers (I don’t have errors conecting, I think it’s because the sources can’t reach cause of the ServerUDPPort): Just guessing


When I made the rules I was using mostly the KAD network and they worked fine with it.

Just this moment I was testing the edk network only. And it seems that for connecting to the edk network emule uses the first free udp port it finds. >:(

Anyway, I just updated the rules and hopefully this will be the last one. ;D

Someboidy asked :
Start Emule. When Comodo asks you with a popup, choose Treat this application as select Emule and enable Remember my answer.

That d,ont happens to me…

I have the same problem !!!
Please answer !


I can choose Treat this application as:
Installer or Updater
Trusted Application
Windows System Application
Isolated Application
Limited Application

There´s no choice for emule.
Why ? I did exactly what is written on page 1.

If you mean ServerUDPPort (UDP Port), this can be changed modifying “preferences.ini”, which is in emule’s folder, more exactly in config folder.

I have modified mine to 33702 UDP port. If “preferences.ini” is not modified the value would be 65535, which means it will use a random port. (Or the first free UDP port as you say).

“preferences.ini” modified:


I have a doubt. When eMule (Scar Angel Mod) starts, the firewall don’t ask me anything, but, somtimes, I receive an alert that says “emule.exe is trying to receive a connection from the internet. What would you like to do?” Is this safe? What should I do?


Could someone tells me the difference between creates these rules and just treat eMule as “Trusted Application”?
I think just make it as Trusted Application should also works.

don’t know if I am doing something wrong. I installed Comodo just today for the first time. I am running it without Defense and Train with safe mode. All I have done is to allow emule, utorrent and downloads started excellent automatically. I don’t understand much about softs and rules…am I missing something? ???

can I simply combine rule 1~3 into one rule and only set up the destination port to the port emule uses?

Also, is it possible to import the application rules from you? like import settings kinda way. I wonder if comodo firewall 3 support this thing.

I just noticed that if I set my source ports for UDP/TCP rules according to yours, then all my connections are blocked because most of the connections are using source ports below 1025.

what the the reason behind choosing 1025 & 65535 port? beside that they are binary numbers…

Your instructions don’t work for me. I’m using a proxy server and a router. Do these affect?

When I turn off CFP, I can connect to Emule.

Any ideas how can I fix this?

Thanks in advance.