Comodo Internet Security v11.0.0.6802 – Released

Hi All,

We are pleased to announce release of Comodo Internet Security v11.0.0.6802.

Here are the details:

Online Setup Details:
Comodo Internet Security Premium
Size: 5.4M ( 5610336 )
MD5: 5b396d04f0aef9ace6bb81600bc3c47c
SHA1: e44b6c33a8bb86a06feceb494cff82a8e3e728b2

Comodo Antivirus
Size: 5.4M ( 5610336 )
MD5: dbf34cb1fb78a7da04e3f26f405b9bd8
SHA1: df39dc2e03a629aa2ace8d26751344371ddf2150

Comodo Firewall
Size: 5.4M ( 5610336 )
MD5: 0d71f5fe372e34d5584076626cc05dee
SHA1: 570069682d502983abdbfa0d2b92cdd45e1771e7

Offline Setup Details:
Comodo Internet Security Premium (Firewall and Antivirus only)
Size: 71M ( 73652568 )
MD5: 0de10fc24ed777db7f8505480d39fa08
SHA1: 140cf7de59fe0f268876e5c2738a7e0695f38ead


  • Fixed false alert about Chrome tries to modify it’s settings
  • Fixed long OS boot time in some rare cases


  • Simplified installation.
  • First network zone detection is performed in background.
  • Widget is hidden by default but can be changed with the Options button.


Downloaded the offline 6802 installer and ran it over the 6778 I had on a Win10 latest system. It installed showing as an Upgrade, but it actually uninstalled the previous version. Rebooted and ran it again and all went well. No initial scan or AV database was needed, so obviously the previous main settings and content were preserved

After one quick update (presumably for the Recognizers), a reboot and import of my Config, everything’s been running well for a few days now. It’s stable and quick and there appear to be a couple of improvements that allow for Trusted File checking, with faster modifying and rebuilding of the Trusted Vendor lists

Obviously it doesn’t have the major changes of the 12 version, but so far, it looks good for an 11 update - many thanks :-TU

Finally an announcement! Thanks Comodo. Did a clean install just this morning and so far so good.

Thank ! :-TU

Can I skip this update (I don’t need it) and go directly to the next one? Please!

You always can.

Well, next update will be a major one, I guess. So I’m not sure about that. But if you say so. :-TU


Via the settings> updates, just uncheck the boxes

I know this, thanks. I was wondering if it’s possible to update from .6744 to v.12 directly.

Hi 23,
Direct updates to CIS12 will be available for 6744+.

I report my experience installing this latest version of CIS with Windows 10 October Update and all the patches installed, including the Tuesday March 2019 patch.
Having read in a previous post that it had been possible to upgrade without uninstalling the previous version, I proceeded like this:

  • download of the installation software;
  • installation execution (I did not install Comodo Dragon and the internet protection component);
  • at the end of the installation I restarted.

When the PC started up again I found that CIS was no longer installed and I repeated the installation repeating the above steps. On this occasion the mask for the replacement of the DNS etc etc appeared and I restarted the PC again.

When, for the second time, the PC was completely usable, I checked the CIS version (it was the last one) and I checked if there was a custom set of rules that I had previously saved: it wasn’t there, so there I have loaded again.

Personally I have had no problems performing these operations but I have some thoughts to ask:

  • why a software is often not able to detect an update and propose it (as it does, for example, Mozilla Firefox);
  • why I lose the set of custom rules after each installation;
  • why every installation of a new version of CIS is a new adventure (I read, among the release notes, an improvement to the simplified installation: where?).

I am very happy with the use of this product and I hope that my thoughts can be taken into consideration for future releases.
Thank you.

(I use google translator to write, forgive any grammar mistakes).

- why a software is often not able to detect an update and propose it (as it does, for example, Mozilla Firefox);
because they haven't made it available to the program updater yet, they don't provide the update to older version as soon as a new version is released.
- why I lose the set of custom rules after each installation;
You don't really lose it as the previous config is saved using a name with the previous version number in the config name. This only happens when you upgrade using the installers, when you update using the program updater your settings stay the same.

Thanks! :-TU

I’m going to save clean installing this until Win 10 1903 is available, then I’ll do both…

When will auto-update of this version release? And hope it will keep all the custom settings intact too.

Install of this version over the previous version with offline installer keeps some settings intact and reverts some settings back to defaults.

Has this problem been solved with previous versions?

“I state that I don’t have a new PC, it’s about 10 years old. It’s a laptop with 4 GB of RAM, 150 GB of hard drives and an Intel Core 2 processor.
When the PC starts up, the CIS icon is displayed in some cases even after 5 minutes along with all the remaining CIS processes. Therefore, after not having problems of slow PC, the problem arises only when the PC is restarted or switched on. Please solve, I really like the CIS. The same problem also with CAV. Now in the meantime I’m using CCAV that doesn’t come from these problems.”

Thank you!

I have reinstalled CIS and am testing it.
For the moment it seems to be working fine and it is not causing me the problems of slowing down when starting up the PC and the icon lagging behind when starting the PC, which instead happened in previous versions. I will continue to use it and see how I find myself.
In the meantime I suggest you improve the protection against phishing that in CIS is non-existent and also using COS is very very low. At least improve the protection against phisihing in COS.
Testing it from this site: COS results are disappointing. As well as those of CIS.
Thank you. :wink:

secure shopping failed to validate browser problem still occurs

The firewall slows me down the connection a lot, bringing it almost to zero …
Turning it off restarts everything regularly, reactivating it again almost to zero …
I uninstalled it again and returned to CAV.
Nothing … you have to make a stable and reliable version … :‘( :’( :-TD

Hi guys, same problem here.