Comodo Internet Security v10.0.1.6223 Released

Next is a bug with secure shopping: Failed to validate browser

I’m guessing that something was not replaced with newer variant during update on your system. Try to restart system, launch diagnostics & run update (again).

which Browser, OS ?

Windows 10 Creator Updated Comodo Dragon 55. This message appears when you click in the CIS options. The screenshot I have in the posts of the Polish department in the subject of the error. I thought a new update would eliminate that.

Just checked. Works for me although I’m using different OS. Please provide steps / exactly what you did to get mentioned error.

Same here on 2 Win10 machines. Keeps prompting for the new update again and again every hour or so…
Diagnostics doesn’t find anything.

I don’t think the issue has anything to do with the file itself; it is the quick scan that is crashing for some reason as soon as it is started. If I scan that file manually, everything is okay and the file is clean. I also performed a full scan of drive C which finished successfully without finding anything.

Is there a way to read Comodo’s dump files?

Hi maftul,
Thanks for pointing, i have updated size and hashes for offline installer.

Thanks gaboz,
We will be checking logs and get back to you if needed further information.


how to launch diagnostics? Please advise.
But i tried the other steps.

  1. Restart computer.
  2. Check for update.
  3. Run update again and reboot.
  4. still the same problem of recurring update notification.

It is a win 7 64 bit machine

PS I am not sure which replies are directed to my problem. Hence I am answering a few questions here …

Search for the “question mark” at the bottom of the main window, to the left of the “upgrade button”…It’s in the menu of the 3rd item

Doesn’t help for me. Guess I have to try a new installation :cry:

In the tray I run the CIS icon 10 go to tasks and then to the safe shopping option. Click here to see this error

did you check which files are listed every time in update?

Works for me. It might be specific to W10.
Can you try switching your default browser (Dragon) to something else & switch it back?

  1. The diagnostic has not identified anything. I ran through the other steps , but same problem. Thanks.

  2. Meanwhile I get around the prompts by disabling the auto-update function.

No. I have no idea there is a list for the updated files. I wont able to make sense out of it. What should I do?

When running Diagnostics, there’s an attempt to repair. You might be getting that no errors were found after it’s fixed. It’s probably not the case… just a heads up-- effects could be observed after a system restart. :-La

After you run update, use the “View Logs” button from “Update” window. Make a screenshot.

Hi heffiji,
May you please provide us generated diagnostics report?


Hi Andrea 3009,

Please check the version of Secure Shopping you have.
You can check Secure Shopping in Settings->Apps → Apps & Features

Kind Regards,

Indeed. Good idea! lol