Comodo Internet Security v10.0.1.6209-Hotfix Released

Hi All,
We have released a hot-fix on top of last released v6209 update.

Following is only fix:


  • Upon update, older CIS versions (version 8.x and older), could find trusted vendor list affected. This could result in certain cases alerts for known safe applications as if they were unknown.

All users should receive update.

Note: After you update to this hot-fix, you will still find product version unchanged and staying at v6209.
This was fastest way to get updates out. So please bear with us.

Following are known issues as have been observed in last release:
Issue - A:
Many users have reported Comodo Security Agent could not be started problem upon system re-start.

This bug can not be produced always.

Upon system re-start, cistray.exe could launch before Comodo services started.

There is no security impact. You are still protected. You just do not see CIS interface.

Possible Workaround:
Step - 1: Try to launch CIS interface from desktop shortcut, if doesn’t work try step-2.
Step - 2: See if you can locate CIS tray icon in system tray, exit and try to launch CIS interface as mentioned in Step-1, if doesn’t work try Step-3
Step - 3: Locate cistray.exe in TaskManager, terminate and launch CIS interface as mentioned Step-1

Issue - B:
In Network Settings, IP4 and IP6 entry names could be distorted.

We have seen it happening with Windows Creators update preview build Win 10 1703 (build 15063) but have not been able to produce with newest Win 10 IP build 16170.

There is no security impact. It’s just the name issue. Network is still fully functional and you can make changes.

Next Steps:

  • We will be making full CIS release by next week-end that will fix above mentioned issues.

Sorry for last update caused issues.

Thank you for your help and support.


Comodo Internet Security
Size: 5.2M ( 5363688 )
MD5: b4e7bcb144da19cdcda3868050666f60
SHA1: ced207d49b3e0f4e07e406e25c965f819ca7fbb9

Comodo Antivirus
Size: 5.2M ( 5363680 )
MD5: 8f1815fdb5cf3719344d39270145cef2
SHA1: c90f90438dfef39de0ba25e0589f4e8d55d1a30f

Comodo Firewall
Size: 5.2M ( 5363680 )
MD5: e8b7541b4ef233bdf6154e2f872d2e46
SHA1: ea7fc1179e1ef5fe17478a94bd6caad65af61b38

Offline Installer:
Based on very heavy demand of offline installer, we are exposing following web page, via which you can download CIS Premium Offline installer:

Size: 70.6 MB (74,104,832 bytes)
MD-5: 974f826b1ed31006d8cc7743a6b8ede7
SHA-1: 163cd050dfa5456abfe95e24f10796a7624afbef

Note: It offers Comodo Firewall and Comodo Antivirus alone. You can always install Secure Shopping from inside “Tasks->General Tasks” section.


I hope also the security hole in Secure Shopping is also fixed, because i really like Secure Shopping. :slight_smile:
Thank you.

So you fixed basically nothing? Why did you say things like this if you’re not going to fix them?

Also where is the Offline installer for CFW? I do not want the AV.

I get my software mostly from You can download Comodo Firewall Download Comodo Firewall for windows -

Sorry, we could not, it required more time and due to upcoming Windows Creators update, we could not wait.

Many thanks Umesh. Better safe than sorry . . . . good work :slight_smile:

Hi cocalaur,
We are checking reported issue will confirm.


What I would like to know is why in hell are UWA still being sandboxed?

Hi Zee64,
May you please share application link?


Well…where do I start?

First: I find it attrocious how many unwanted programs COMODO installs on my PC.
Geek Buddy? Didnt ask for it.
Dragon? Didnt ask for it.
Secure Shopping? Didnt ask for it.

Not only that, but you dont even deliver deinstallers for most of them. You actually have to do it through the operating systems utilities. How convenient…not.

But not only that! You even try to install toolbars and yahoo as my search engine on SEVERAL (Yes more than one) occasions.

But thats not all.

Even if you install COMODO and deinstall all the stuff you didnt ask for, even then it does actions you dont want to!

I often use Mediathekview - a programm used to download media files from the common TV programs in my country. But comodo blocks it without any sign or warning.
Even if you turn COMODO off, you still cant use the programm. No sign why. It just plain doesnt start.

But the moment you uninstall COMODO it works again like a charm!

Oh but it doesnt end there…the german by community is so wrong, that it often gets the meaning completely wrong. Allow a programm becomes deny a programm after the translation.

But wait! Theres more!
If you try to return to the native english language COMODO wont actually switch all things back to english. In some options the german community translation remains.

Oh but theres even more!
If you try to edit the options of say the firewall - you find yourself in front of a very unintuitive environment. Which would be fine as long as there were any guides. But theres no explaination of how the different rule sets play into each other.
A simple “global rules apply after…and…or are affected by…” would suffice - but theres nothing. Yes you could go to the forums - only that you should not have to do that if the design was well thought through…

Well I could look over that flaw if I wasnt bombarded with stuff and notifications I didnt ever want to see and IF the programs I actually need would not be blocked by my overprotective unintuitive security program.

Serioulsy I am disappointed.

Best regards

didnt read all but the first things are enough. U have the choice to do a costum install and install what u want! i hate ppls who say i dont want that and that and it installed it. Well guys, than look carefull and install only the compunents u want, thats it.

I just upgraded 1 of 3 computers, everything went perfectly, no problem. Thank you. It looks like COMODO is heading in the right direction. Fixing problems/faults/bugs, improving your tools, adding others…

Regarding the installers, I prefer it as it is currently (online), download only what is necessary, without having to download all the content (Dragon, GB, etc …) and only install Antivirus and Firewall.

Thank you, all the team.

Found Melih’s alt account!

If you have nothing to say in regards to the topic then please do not post such off-topic remarks. It is obvious that you are not happy with Comodo or its product(s), in which case I would suggest you leave and look for something else that will satisfy your needs. Because it just seems to me that you have nothing better to do other than to troll.

I find it interesting that you won’t go through the steps of doing a clean uninstall/install to see if your problems go away which is outlined in this post. Why is that? Other than its easier to post your discontent. If you are not willing to at least attempt a clean install like others have done, then you shouldn’t be complaining considering that when others do perform a clean install, it ends up resolving their issues.


after applying the v10.0.1.6209 on my Win 10Pro i’m not able to delete the ComdoFirewall icon from my desktop. anytime i delete it, it will be restored to the desktop again and again. Also i can not rename it.
That was not the case in the previous releases …
That’s annoying me!!

How can i remove it ? I don’t need it on the desktop as long i can find it in the program folder …

many thanks

It’s a known bug and will be addressed

A workaround for me was to make my own shortcut and place it, then change the properties of the Comodo created one to Read only and Hidden

I have had the problem of the Comodo could not be started after bootup but finally managed to sort it out myself after GeekBuddy’s fixes had failed to. It took a lot of time removing all references to Comodo with various software. It was short lived as yesterday another update was installed and I am now back to square one with the . What is even more annoying is that the update was supposed to be a hotfix and installed the same version as I already had - and broke it.

Excellent Post Umesh, thanks for keeping us all informed. :■■■■ :■■■■ :■■■■

[For USERS] You may also be able to work around the cmdagent issue by leaving the computer at the login screen for longer before logging in.

This allows cmdagent time to load before CIS does.

Kind regards


you can choose if you want those programs (geek buddy, etc) in installation proces, all you have to do is some research before installing cis. cis is a free program, and i think is the way to make money. the same with yahoo page on browser. cis is a very good program. this forum is a strong comunity with very friendly people that can help you.
and german translation i think is made by the communinty. english is not my native language and i use it in cis without problems.
even if is full of bugs in every realease cis is in my opinion the best.

Hmm. Yes. I always end up forgetting to report it. It’s a minor issue. Like when you import config from users that use different language & not everything gets translated (when you switch to your language).