COMODO Internet Security 5.9.219863.2196 Released

its in the firewall settings

Thanks. :slight_smile:

It should create a new Windows Network Interface that it will use to connect to Trust-Connect, It won’t use the TC software at all.

I did wonder about that but it doesn’t do anything. The two options available on the ‘Activate TrustConnect’ dialogue are to create a new account, which loads the TC homepage even if the option isn’t selected, and to enter ones credentials and hit ’ the Activate Now’ button. At this point I get the ‘Please wait…’ dialogue, which eventually times out. Are the TC binaries now part of CIS?

During the ‘Please wait’ CIS should create a default VPN interface (PPTP).
The TC binaries are not part of CIS or it’s installers.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Yes if you manually add a file to the ‘trusted files’ list it now shows an option.

[attachment deleted by admin]

On CIS New Network Found I had selected Home.

Now I removed all the four rules, 2 from Application Rules & 2 from Global Rules & restarted the system. Detect New Network is checked under settings.

But now I am not getting the new network found window?


Unfortunately not. Initially, I ran the CIS installation without TC installed and it just timed out, that’s why I ran through it again with TC installed. I know TC works and you can see it’s active in the screen-shot. However, I’ll run through the process again, once I’ve re-imaged. I’ll also try it on XP, as it appears that’s what you have in the image.

Edit: It does create the pptp adapter but it never changes from the connecting status and eventually times out (Windows 7). Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any obvious troubleshooting logs that would enable me to ascertain why it’s failing to connect? If I install TC manually, it connects just fine.

Finally you dropped inlining hooks in kernel space, fair play now hehe
Disappointed with cis unable to be installed by separate modules as stated above. firs time installation ■■■■■■■ by a passed commandline(-cfwfree?) on runtime(?). Link to cfw helped.
The rest is pretty nice. unless digging the depths.

So need more words on enhanced protection as well. describe behavior and again speed/security status and costs. constantly overwriting the hooks? checks md5 on modules? what it does? Why should i check it or shouldn’t?

It seems you can log failures, haven’t tried it…

I found, however, that if you can get the connection to fail, you can enable logging, and after retrying and the connection fails again, there is a hyperlink (named 'details' or 'diagnostics' if I recall correctly). Clicking this hyperlink brings up a new dialog with a button "Generate Report". This will allow you to generate a report from a number of logged sources. The report is generated as HTML and can be viewed through your default browser.

Any idea where logging can be enabled? There’s nothing created in CIS and there aren’t any options against the adapter.

The only clue I’ve found so far is from the Windows Application log:

a connection named COMODO TrustConnect (VPN) which has terminated. The reason code returned on termination is 829.

But so far the error code hasn’t yielded a great deal:


Message: The modem (or other connecting device) was disconnected due to link failure.

This error appears when the modem (in the case of dial-up or broadband connections) or tunnel (in the case of VPN connections) is disconnected due to a network failure or a failure in the physical link to the modem. The following are possible reasons for the failure.

A problem in the network between the modem and the RAS server might have caused the basic dial-up or, in the case of a broadband connection, PPPoE connection, or VPN tunnel to fail.
Check connectivity between the modem and the telephone/cable connection jack. If an external modem is being used, check the physical connectivity between the modem and the computer.
In the case of VPN connections set up over a wireless network, problems in the wireless network might have caused the connection to fail. Check the status of the wireless connection in Network Connections folder. Some of the causes of problems in the wireless network are:
The wireless access point might have gone down due to loss of power or for other reasons.
The user’s computer might be out of the operating range of the wireless network or the RF signal strength might be weak.
The RAS server might have failed or restarted and closed the connection. Check the event logs on the RAS server.

Which is all very well, but as mentioned earlier, standard TC connects just fine using the same connection. I’ve also tried this wired and wireless.

It also fails in XP.

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Trust Connect needs to be installed seperately? I am not getting TC alerts when I am trying to connect wired or my wireless connection.


Online installer is installing old Dragon version (15) instead of 16 :slight_smile:

Smart scan is blast! Really cool feature. How is it accomplished? It remembers last hashes?

Trust connect is part of paid version I think. We all get settings under firewall tab but free version doesn’t have it as I understand it.

I dont think so. Its now free in free version. There may be some limitation but its free.

Whats the difference between Unsecured & Public networks under settings?

Apparently, TC is now part of CIS but to access it you need to select Public Place from the profile wizard.

Thanks. It’s a long waited feature for me.

I’ve just been through the RAS*.log files in Windows/tracing but they’re not much help.

Question, does CIS store the logon credentials for TC somewhere? The reason I ask is, if you delete the public zone and restart, it doesn’t prompt for credentials, it just tries to connect.

Edit: I’ve found the where, now I just need to understand the why!

[3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: Link dropped! [3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: RasGetInfo... [3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: RasGetInfo done(618) [3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: Port was close because of 619 [3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: setting rasman state to 8193 [3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: Quitting s=8193,e=619 [3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: Asyncmachine: Cleaning up [3020] 12-21 00:25:59:575: RasDialCleanup...

619 would suggest the connection is being blocked by something like a firewall ;D

Edit: What’s curious about this is, if I set to Custom Policy with alerts on very high and run the connection from the profile wizard, I get nothing, not a peep. Personally, I would have thought it would have asked to connect?

On a slightly different note, how does one initiate a connection on a public network through the ‘built-in’ TrustConnect. The pptp adapter offers a standard RAS connection option but the properties do not contain logon credentials and it just times out when selected.

Thank you!

Is TC free?

And no selecting Public on wizard doesn’t gives TC popup.

I disabled my wireless security & then it gave me the 3 options & on selecting Home I got TC popup you are connecting to an Unsecured Network but if I select to create an account it takes me to buy TC.

I guess TC popup appears when the connection is Unsecured? How can I get TC popup for wired connection? Whats the difference between Unsecured & Public Network under settings?

So is TC free or paid?