COMODO Internet Security 5.8.213334.2131 Released!

Is anyone else having problems downloading from Comodo today? I’ve tried to download Internet Security a few times today. It never reaches speeds faster than 15kb/s.

I’m cool as check master during finale.

Not only tone down but use your brain for good purpose like a real check master would.

Dropbox INC is not part of Trusted Software Vendor list where Dropbox is. Apparently Dropbox changed its certificate name from Dropbox to Dropbox INC.

Also the individual executable is apparently not white listed yet. Please make sure to submit the latest version of Dropbox to Submit Applications Here To Be Whitelisted - 2011 like any other regular would do without pissing acid sour vinegar.


P.S.: don’t forget that you are still on the mod’s radar…

I’m using the firewall and want to add the antivirus application, what is the recommend way, I could add it through my control panel or a fresh install along side of the firewall or would the complete suite be the best way to go? I’m running Windows XP SP3…

Thanks in advance guys…

start, programs, comodo firewall, add remove components

Wow! Thanks for the quick reply, I’ll go ahead with your recommendation… :-TU

Thanks… ;D


Jesus. CIS didn’t give me any alert whatsoever during installation. After restart it started sandboxing even apps that were on my whitelist. THAT is the issue here.

Just checking here – for the past 2 days whenever I attempt to update virus definitions I get told that defs are up to date. I’m used to seeing updates about twice a day. Is this normal?

they have been having technical difficulties for a few days now. there is no eta for when it will be fixed

Thanks for the info… I was wondering about this issue as well… Let’s hope Def+ will protect us for now…

I am certain it will…

Comodo Proactive Defense+ HIPS has been offering the successful protection of my computers without the benefit of an antivirus definitions update for over 2 years now and according to the several on demand scanners that I use there has not been the detection of a single instance of Malware.

Did you mean that you use CIS without CAV?

When I first started using Comodo v3.8 I also became familiar with how to use my browser in the Sandboxie from the knowledgeable members here on the Comodo forums and it didn’t take me long to figure out that doing so made having an antivirus optional. I still use Proactive Defense+ although I’ve seen people use just the Comodo Firewall and Sandboxie without ever getting a positive scan for Malware using any of their on-demand scanners. I’ve never been infected since using I’ve been Comodo and Sandboxie and even if I were I would use Macrium Reflect to re-image my computer rather than trust any antivirus software.

That’s cool. :-TU
On my comp-1 I use CTM 2.9, CIS, and Sandboxie free - no problems yet,
On my comp-2 I use CTM 2.8, DefenseWall PF and disabled Kaspersky - for weekly scans only - no problems yet.

Solarlynx- My moment of clarity came one day when CAV notified me one day that a drive-by infection had occurred and asked me what action I preferred to take. After I decided to overwrite the Sandbox 7 times with Eraser using Schneier’s Algorithm I discovered what my computer security preferences were in this type of situation.

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Do you mean Sandboxie?

Solarlynx- Yes, Eraser allows you to use any of its highly effective algorithms to overwrite Sandboxie’s virtual space on the drive either on demand or if you like Eraser will also automatically overwrite the Sandbox each time it is closed with the Algorithm of your choice. I am no longer able to use Eraser because my Win 7 x64 computer now has an Intel 320 SSD and I miss using Eraser to decimate anything that was left in the Sandbox.

Maxxwire, thank you for your answer. I use Sandboxie free tuned to automatically delete the sandbox when browsers are closed. I never thought about how its deleted. By default it uses standard Windows command Rmdir. The Sandboxie site says you need advanced delete algorithms for your better privacy, that your data not to be restored manually by experts.
So am I right if I care only for antimalware security the default deletion is quite enough?

Thank you.

The standard Windows command Rmdir is quite sufficient. I used the advanced wipe algorithm because it was very simple to install with just one line of code in Sandboxie> Settings> Delete.

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