COMODO Internet Security 3.9.75615.498 RC2 Released - CLOSED

Around May 12 is the current estimation.

I noticed that if I make a clean install, the RC2 automatically installs the comodo sufesurf and ask toolbar without prompting any advice. Why? >:(

kk good to know, ty. =)

Didn’t happen with me on Win 7 beta. What OS are you on?

I have vista home 32 bit sp1. It’s never happened with previous versions.

You might have double-clicked by mistake somewhere during the installation. It still asks if you wish to install these.

something weird , after i run stop.exe and stop2.exe they stuck to the comodo application list , any way to del them from comodo list popup again the defense alert like they try to run again , did comodo rely block stop/stop2 or just block them from run, not rely fix the security hole ???

demoneye, just make sure to “remember your answer” and it is solved. For some reason, stop and stop2 are still running, but they can’t do anything. Just reboot your computer and they will shut down. CIS does prevent them from doing harm, but for some reason, doesn’t terminate the processes. I’m not sure why…

CIS should add that “terminate” button some been wishing for along with D+ alerts… =O Sometimes you realise its bad later after giving something some premission… =D

Hi, all -

Just curious - does Comodo plan on offering a web scanner to its AV in one of the next releases?

I think this means no :slight_smile:

Q: Does CIS have an Email scanner, a Web scanner, a P2P scanner, etc ?

No it does not !
Comodo’s philosophy here is that malware has to hit the memory or the hard drive to get activated. And those 2 parts are scanned. Al other “scanners” won’t add anything to your protection level(s).

So for example if you receive an email with an infected attachment you won’t get an alert, if you try to open/save it you will. This reduces resources and yet makes CIS a very fast, light & powerful Suite.

Completely agree with Comodo’s ethic there! Keep it up!

I have to say I’m delighted with the performance of RC2 on my Vista home premium SP2 setup,by far the best of any version of CIS yet.Negligible resource usage and load on system. :-TU


Yup, it’s, aaaa, leaked.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Yes it’s out there and running very sweetly I have to say. :wink:

Yesterday I updated via autoupdate and the firewall works well. But some bugs, I reported for RC 1, are not fixed. But the installation mode now works on my PC (when I was installing a programm a pop-up appeared, if I want to go back to the previous mode, when I clicked “yes” it did not work. I had to switch to the previous mode from the main screen). But thanks for that great firewall (V)

You could easily have checked for yourself, especially easy since the download clearly comes up as “WinZip Self-Extractor” when you initially run it.

Has anyone noticed that the Computer Security Policy rule changing/applying seems to be a lot faster in 3.9?

I know it used to rewrite the whole ruleset in registry every time, maybe it still does just it seems to be a lot quicker now, pop ups don`t hang (well not as much)
Anyone else noticed this?


I have noticed that too. I had been waiting to see how long it took for someone to mention it.

Strange how people don’t report POSITIVES … !!!

It was my major Gripe about the product.
