COMODO Internet Security 3.9.75615.498 RC2 Released - CLOSED

I already mentioned that when the first 3.9 beta came out…

Think it has to do with the new strategy that all apps are learned as “custom” with the previous performance that would not be very scalable…

Hi Guys,

Your RC2 setups will be updated to build 499 today. we will NOT release a seperate setup for build 499. So please continue with the same thread for bug reports.

FYI: This update includes fixed firewall drivers that addresses some performance issues and bugs.


Thx Egeman. :-TU

Could you elaborate some more about what is being fixed?

Eric, don’t allow the update. besides myself, other users are experiencing loss of firewall activity since the .499 update.

Mine is working but the first time I updated I got a BSOD and had to do a uninstall in safe mode. Than I reinstalled .498 and once again updated to .499 and it is working fine now.

If you experience something please report it as a bug and let others obsertve it too. This is what we are looking for.

Can you please urgently post the mmeory dumps of the BSOD here?


Just for your information both of my machines updated perfectly to build 499.

Both machines only run CIS

XP Home SP3 32bit
Vista Business SP1 32bit


My OS is Windows XP SP3 32 bit.

I ran the CIS update on my RC2 build and after a reboot I was unable to connect to the internet.
Disabling CIS Firewall did not help and meanwhile CIS tray icon did not show any animation (green/red arrows)

I reinstalled CIS RC2 and I’m going to test the update again.

EDIT: No luck. :frowning:

Just noticed how RC2 is downloading a update…

Interesting… =)

Update without a problem on my Vista SP1 x32.
I had an extra prompt for installing the new (signed) firewall driver, like you get when installing CIS on Vista for the first time.

Firewall tested and working :wink:

I had a BSOD when upating earlier today. So I uninstalled CIS and was just about to post in the bug thread when I read this:

So i decided to give it another try and I disabled the ARP cache protection and now I am successfully working with the 499 version.

Do notice though:

Updated to 499 and no problems here :).

Btw, as I’m running XP under a limited account, can I just load cfpupdate.exe as “Run As” and then update this way or do I need to logout and login as an administrator?


Just to tell that clicking at “Update Details” sended me to v3.8 page…
And, of course, I didn’t let it go.
Ok…, I will wait for tomorrow’s up.

It won’t send you to a Release Client Release Notes To Let You Know :slight_smile:


Спасибо! Thanks! :-TU

Hmmm, redirecting a web browser to a simple TXT file with a few lines saying what has been fixed or changed in Beta/RC instead of the official web site wouldn’t take much time to accomplish. But again if the long time testing process (3 betas and 2 RC) has been done exclusively to CIS 3.9, then I don’t see a reason why to bother such things.

Mine “updated” twice (once yesterday, once today)… but it still says version 498 ???

May be it is the two stage update Egemen mentioned yesterday:

It’s just a thought.