Comodo IceDragon ver. is now available for download!

If CID goes the same way FF does, I’ll stick with this version. Security or not I just don’t like that patronising ‘we know better’ attitude that Mozilla has fallen victim to.

+1 The new ‘look’ of Firefox is nearly exactly the same as Chrome :frowning: which I personally don’t like.

BUT we do need an update to CID as the ‘new’ MSN site is not viewable in the current CID

See attached

[attachment deleted by admin]

I got this reply in another section.
“I’m currently hiring new resources to makes this happen and to keep new versions of CID coming”

I’d have to agree on moving on. From the looks of it and reading through all these threads it looks like CID is dead or at least pushed far far into the back-burner. Didn’t even realize it was this far out of date until today. Noticed a couple of my extensions were out dated and checked into them only to find they weren’t compatible with v26 but are with 32… Actually spent about a hour checking to make sure something wasn’t blocking CID from updating before coming here. Just always figured it was auto-updating itself since I had that set to on. Anyhow keep it installed for now and hope it updates. But I guess it time to start looking around another browser. Maybe I’ll give that Palemoon a shot myself. As with other not big on the new FF interface if I wanted a minimilistic chrome look I’d use IE or something.

Captainsticks beat me to it… 8)

5 days past…
After the first anniversary of this release :rocks:
23-12-2013 / 23-12-2014 :■■■■

R.I.P. IceDragon !

NEVER!!! :wink:

very soon…

Could you spill a bean? 8)

I’ll believe it when I see it.

:THNK I do hope that the new update will stay with the same interface and not have the Australis interface that Firefox has moved to :wink:

What do you think then ? :THNK
ESR based Comodo IceDragon Wish
Melih, what you say about this wish? It will help to developers too. And ESR is more secure and it has got rare updates :-TU

Why are my posts gone? Don’t you like critisism? My latest posts are deleted by the moderator(s). Does the truth hurts?

Please do not double post.

Reply here

If you check Show unread posts since last visit you will always find your posts in case they have been moved or merged. That way you will always know when there are replies in topics your posts are in.

I have added my comments in the topic Dennis2 linked to.

Waiting patiently :THNK but any teaser Melih on how things are progressing? ( I won’t ask for a timescale :-X :wink: )

they are on it…

yeh yeh, if they were developing it as already relased. I remember that last update of icedragon was on 23-12-2013 over a year ago. One year and 2 months had past and no update? Comodo is not going to suport anymore icedragon. I beleave wen i see it.

They are working on new OS, not only on browser.