COMODO Firewall - Firewall module make Windows update fail with error 0x80070005 on Windows 11 24H2

Dear all,

I am running COMODO Firewall last version. It is making windows updates on two machines fail with error: 0x80070005! That never happened to me in the past, and has happened for March Windows cumulative update. It is due to the firewall module (HIPS are disabled on my machines).

After turning off the firewall, the update runs flawlessly

Do the firewall logs show anything useful?

To be honest no, on my laptop I only have svchost.exe blocked yesterday by the firewall, but the rest does not seem related at all to windows update. On one machine I had to simply disable the firewall component to install updates, while on the other I had to fully uninstall the product.

I am using the latest comodo firewall version downloaded from personalfirewall dot comodo dot com, the issue has shown on 2 machines so I think it is present anywhere now

Are both machines on the same version of Windows?

Yes both running windows 11 24H2. Anyone with the same issue?

I confirm the issue is present, and COMODO is blocking all windows updates. I am using the proactive security configuration with sligth modifications (HIPS off, removed the “do not check the following folders” check from containment settings, using “containment” to block by default instead of run virtually). Have been using COMODO for around 10 years with the same configuration and had no issue at all.

By the way, why this forum indicates “COMODO Firewall” as a discontinued product? Has the firewall suite been discontinued and only the full internet security suite is now supported?

The board was closed in 2008 and since CAV and CF both are included under the banner of CIS, it was move at some point to Discontinued Products but I haven’t heard anything about the Firewall element being discontinued.

Have you tried removing Windows Sockets Interface from the HIPS protected objects as described in my post in January? Not sure if it’d be related to the update issue or not as that was just for allowing internet connection with contained apps but worth a try.

I have read the related post. Why that element has an impact even if HIPS is disabled? What is it related to?

I will try that soon. Thank you

That’s great that comodo firewall was not discontinued

There was a containment bypass fix but it may have been overkill as described in this post.. It’s been a minute so I can’t recall why it’s still affected with HIPS disabled.

I’ve only just had my laptop back from being repaired (a display cable got pinched) so haven’t put CIS back on it yet as I did a fresh install of Win 11 and haven’t had the chance to see if I can reproduce at this end.

Was that bypass related to what cruelsister1 described in her video some months ago? Anyway it is now fixed?

Related to the update topic - I hope someone running Win 11 24H2 can provide us feedback.

I am on windows 11 pro anyway

Yes, that bypass which was just an elevated privileges issue and subsequently fixed.

Must be something to do with a recent windows update but I’ll have a look when I get a minute.