COMODO Backup BETA bug reports

I don’t think it’s needed since filters that contain a '' character will automatically be considered path filters.

I don’t think DNS failure is causing the issue. You can post the network analysis anyway. It also reproduced rarely on our side. We will analyze it.

Yes, it’s in GUI.exe.

The issue with the locked error is that the file can be locked for 2 minutes or more, if the lock is refreshed by the owner in the 2 minutes time interval. So it can’t be guaranteed that the file will be unlocked in the next 2 minutes.


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The issue with the locked error is that the file can be locked for 2 minutes or more, if the lock is refreshed by the owner in the 2 minutes time interval. So it can't be guaranteed that the file will be unlocked in the next 2 minutes.
How can it be refreshed?

Many thanks for the very useful info as always


Hi Alexandru

Unfortunately the new GUI keeps losing backup settings, which make testing very time consuming.

I specify a backup, and ask to save the backup specification, which it seems to do, then when I ask to edit it, it has forgotten its files to backup and filters.

Any chance of a fixed version?

Best wishes


Scheduled backups are not running. At the allotted time all I get is the program starting. It’s almost as if something is stopping the /RunSpecificScheduleItem 12998064872221 from kicking in.


Locks refresh themselves automatically for each file opened, every minute.


BETA2 will be available next week.


Please collect the debug information


OK will wait till then to test further.

Thanks for the feedback


Emanuel, I’ve gone back to the 4.1 release. I’ll give the beta 2 a go when it’s released.
