CFP Released

I have all Windows XP SP2 updates till now.

hi, anybody notice this bug report i posted? anybody working or gonna be working on it in the near future?

I have a question. I noticed some extra files were added to CFP’s installation as of 3.0.21, including a “scanners” folder with some .cav files, would those be Comodo AntiVirus? Is this the beginning of an AV integration in CFP?

Seems like it. Right now they are part of the on-demand scanner.

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There seems to be some bugs, With the uninstaller and “auto-updating”. I tried updating from 3.0.20 to 3.0.21, But got the “119 error message” how cfp.exe could not be copied. This has happened recently too with other updates.

I then tried uninstalling, and the uninstaller could NOT be found. I notice a few others have these types off issues as well, or similar, and hope these can be addressed in the next version, Instead of having to keep doing CLEAN UNINSTALLS and system restores…

I am running Windows Vista by the way.


i had this prob too and some solution was posted to uninstall comodo to resolve this prob.
but i don’t remember where this solution was posted.

i never updated comodo, i always uninstall old build then install new one.
i read that some people updated comodo with no problem but i prefere installing a fresh new build instead of updating it. but it’s my personal choice. doesnt mean that updating is a bad method. released on majorgeeks

Do you use builtin comodo uninstaller or some other uninstaller for uninstalling comodo?

That seems like a false post. The most current version of Comodo can be found here.

It is released on Betanews aswell at least they have change the interface pic.
I posted to let them know it is a Beta release with Threatcast not a update it does say it is a Beta in the notes.

Well I just got a message on my CFP to say that there’s an update available & I have installed. But after doing the update, it didn’t ask me to restart my pc or anything.

Some updates don’t involve restarts.

when i had a prob to uninstall, i used a file that was posted in the forum. and i had this prob cause i made wrong actions so i couldnt uninstall comodo the normal way.(i had prob to login xp so i logged in safe mode and deleted the comodo folder, then when i tried to reinstall, i had probs, and after i was unable to uninstall, so it’s my fault but not comodo uninstaller prob)

but now i use the comodo uninstaller and it works fine

version is listed on as well.

is there a cure ?
because i want to use comodo , i’m scary that xp with the last update make an offline scandisk

Cure for what mantra? I just did all my updates and no errors. Why are you running a CHKDSK?

a cure to use comodo and chkdsk

often is xp that run chkdsk offline without my will (:AGY)
i have to try if i can disabled in xp

If XP is running a chkdsk frequently on boot, you have bigger issues. In fact, I would consider getting a new hard drive as it may be failing. Alternatively, if your PC is often turning off incorrectly so the filesystem is getting corrupted, I would address that before you suffer data loss.

Also, if you’re still running FAT32, it’s past time to convert to NTFS.

i hope comodo team could fix this issue (:a*) (:a*) (:a*) :-TU

Mantra…read what he said. He wasnt talking about a problem with Comodo but with your pc.