Brand New Comodo Internet Security 10 Hotfix Version is Released !

I think there’s a serious problem with this release.
Files are always added to file list as trusted even though they’re malicious or unknown.

They still got sandboxed or blocked, strange.

All the files( trusted, unknown, malicious) are recognized as “Trusted” in the File List. Please check this issue.

Done :slight_smile:

Hello cmd555,

If you have concerns that the stock trading platform app of yours may be harmful to your computer or it is suspicious, then you should run it in Virtual Desktop. We will prison this app inside a jail where no harm can happen to your PC. ( Virtual Desktop- Containment)

If you want to protect your stock trading app from any kind of harm such as injection, you will run it inside Secure Shopping environment where we have process isolation and we will protect this app like a castle from outside / online threats. ( Secure Shopping Environment)

So as Mike also defined; we can sum up as below:

“Secure Shopping: A castle protecting you from outside / online threats (ie injection attack ) !”

"Virtual Desktop: A jail where all threats (ie unknown applications) are prisoned so that no harm can happen to your PC! "

Hope this is clear, please let me know if you need more explanation.

We would be happy to explain and help you.

Kind Regards

Hi Guys,

We are checking this issue.

For your information

Kind Regards

Too many bugs on this version
I uninstall

Goodbye and don’t comeback, thank you.

Can you please tone down a bit!

Previous poster seems disappointed by this release and based on his post it seems English is not his native language.
Your post on the other hand was only aimed at this person and only has a negative payload.
Where I come from we call that rude behavior.

You might want to check out the forum policy Comodo Forum

I concur.

tnx for oflline instaler. its fantastic with its small size

Installed CFW only (Clean install & settings)

It seems you guys are going for “Windows 10” notifications on Windows 10…CFW settings - User interface - “Show popup messages” option is not there in this hotfix version…I dont like security software going for Windows 10 notifications.
It would be good if Comodo type alerts option is there.

If I understand correctly (with CFW only install) -

  1. Files autosanboxed - Autosandbox alert mention “Run virtually”, right?
  2. Files detected by Cloud AV - Alert is same (same look) But mention “Blocked”, right?
    So alert will mention “Run virtually” for files autosandboxed & “Blocked” for files detected by Cloud AV (with CFW only install), right?

Just wanted to say that i have played a bit with Secure Shopping. It works great this time and I am really satisfied with it.

Even in other paid products I don’t think they can offer this degree of protection.

Great job once again! Thank you for listening to us about the offline installers, I believe once the final offline installer is ready,
CIS would have been upgarded to a new version with even more fixes and improvements.

Right now the only thing I am still waiting for is the sandbox notification in Windows 10 (on which I have placed a wish report,
for those who want to cast their vote :slight_smile: ), however I understand that this will also be rectified.

Thank you once again for CIS 10 and wish you success and a happy new year :smiley:

And I noticed now, files/programs autosandboxed & blocked here are correctly under “Unblock Applications” BUT those files/programs appear in “Trusted Files” in Files List???

And I also noticed sometimes alerts are not there i.e I started ExpressVPN & openvpn.exe was autosandboxed But no alert was there.

there is a bug that att unknown files to the will be added as trusted instead of unknown, but they will still get sandboxed correctly

Thanks for your feedback. I tried to completely uninstall and reinstall CIS 10 but still no ISE. Can’t find any trace of it in the registry. Do you know which is the critical key that prevents the installation?

Hi, long term Comodo user here, that stopped using it on the previous 8th version on W10 that was absolutely unusable due to the “warnings not showing” bug.

Now still on W10, the newest stable build obviously, tried CIS10 and liking it so far.

It still has the usual “adaptive mode hogs the system making it completely unresponsive” bug that can be solved by unchecking adaptive mode, I still cannot make qBittorent work properly with torrent rulesets as advised in the configuration, and have to use “allowed app” rules, it BSOD my PC once due to the inspect.sys bug, and it shows me this when updating:

But I like it. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the new release. However I encountered a few bugs as well.
Like the previous user I got an error when I tried to check for updates:

Also there is a GUI glitch in the Advanced Settings. When I try to edit a rule and click on it to edit it the line move upwards or downwards automatically. This is awful since I want to keep the rules in the order they are created to see the latest created rules easy. I am currently using the good old Modern Skin if that does matters. (probably the drag and drop is too sensitive or something else).

Also please add a button to clean the content of the Unblock applications area without the need to unblock them to clean it up. Also I am agree with what z0mbak said here:

"IMHO, all that the “Unblock Application” feature must do when releasing the application from it’s “cage” is to DROP the app to unknown state and wait for next users choice on this app. "

This feature need to be redesigned/tweaked a little bit.;msg847801#msg847801

Thanks and keep up the good work!


why does comodo run own in sandbox in 4 time?

That’s is a pity. Just checking behind the scenes how I can help… Will get back shortly.

Kind regards


Just tried to update the FW, using the online installer, but it wanted to install Dragon and I couldn’t see any choice to stop that from happening.
I’m happy with Cyberfox and Pale Moon and definitely don’t want a Chromium-based browser, thank you!