Windows 7 Freezing

I’m a little confused, but if you were able to uninstall the version of CIS you had on your computer via the normal uninstaller that is good news. Next boot into safe mode and run both of the uninstaller programs I linked to in my other post.

After running both reboot the computer and see if you can install version 6.2.

That revov tool, you said it wont work on 64 bit system

Revo Uninstaller does not work on 64 bit systems. However, the two dedicated uninstallers for CIS work on any system. That is what I meant when I referred to the uninstaller tools. I apologize for my vagueness.

I installed CIS 6.2 after running Revo, it was completely off my system, I now download CIS, finish installing, and restarting, it gives me this and this

Did you also run the other two uninstaller applications?

Oops, I missed it, I’ll go back uninstalling CIS

Ok, uninstallation success! Comodo, CIS, firewall, dragon browser, even geekbuddy is removed, Comodo is nowhere on my system ( huge relief) now for 6.2, there are multiple download links, theres CIS, firewall etc, do i download/install all of them?

Hi ChronosF1inite,
Each installer holds all components, but if you want both the Firewall and the Antivirus it is best to just download the CIS installer.
Check the customize installation options in step 2 to select the components required.
CIS Premium – Installation

To change the installed components check the link below.
Switching Between Complete CIS Suite and Individual Components

I finished installing, I click on Update only to have errors

I just updated some of the advice in my topic about reinstalling CIS. I’m not sure if it will help, but please try going through all of the steps again. Specifically, make sure to follow all advice in sections A and B. The topic is here.

Let me know if it helps.


Microsoft FixIt cannot continue because an error has occurred

edit: CIS/CF everything related to comodo is removed

That’s strange that Microsoft FixIt stops because of an error. How far did it get? By that I mean what was the last screen you saw?

Also, can you please post a screenshot of the error you get while running it?



EDIT: everything loaded up normally, then I got that error.

This is strange. Please download the utility to troubleshoot the problem and see what it finds.

Troubleshooting couldn’t identify the problem

This clearly, is not a good day ._.

I’m getting the feeling that there is likely more wrong with your computer than just the issue with CIS not being able to update. This may just be a symptom of the true problem. What you’re seeing now may also be related to the earlier freezing issues you were experiencing.

Let’s start with the following please run sfc /scannow from an elevated command prompt. Instructions on how to do this are given on this page. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, let me know if it’s able to solve the problems.


It’s finished, and it said “Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations”

Question, if I create a System Restore right now, and go to download a new Graphics Card from AMD and install it, would I be able to use System Restore to take me back before installing a new graphics driver?

It’s probably a good idea to make a backup of your drivers as well before doing that.

Will do, I’ll go buy an external hard drive tomorrow. I appreciate all you’ve done so far, Chiron. Hopefully we can get through this mess by tomorrow!