Will CMF stop my Blue Screen Of Death? [RESOLVED]

I bought a new Dell PC (XP) last year. The only thing I installed on it after getting it out of the box was AOL9.0 software.

The whole time Ive had the computer, everyone once in a while, maybe … once every month or two, I would get a BSOD. They all happened the same way:

AOL (dial up) uses like 7 steps to connect to the internet.

  1. initializing modem
  2. dialing
  3. … um something
  4. something
  5. ugh …
  6. checking password
  7. connected to internet

So I would open the software, type in my password, click connect, and it would proceed as follows;

  1. initializing modem

here it would start the 2nd step - dialing, and immediately go to a BSOD.

um … I have a screen shot somewhere …

[attachment deleted by admin]

I use AOL at home. You need to upgrade your version to AOL 9.0 VR Just goto www.aol.com/downloads I think your version of AOL isn’t setup correctly so download and install the new version and you shouldn’t have any more problems.


(I apologize as I cannot get it clearer, its the only screenshots I have)

So I get the BSOD, turn off computer, turn back on, get the error report pop up, then everythings fine for … you know, until it did it again (usually another few weeks or so - once it did it again immediately). (Using computer daily)

Would Comodo Memory Firewall stop this?

I have been using CMF for about … maybe a month now and havent had a BSOD while using it, but its still too soon to tell if its preventing it or not.

Also, I noticed that the files were a bit different.

computererror jpg is as follows:


and the screenshot SameFckingError jpg is as follows:


Is this something that CMF will prevent?

Why havent I checked into this before now?

Several reasons, all perfectly acceptable.

Im an idiot.
Im lazy
Im a notorious procrastinator
it always recovered and didnt seem to do any harm so I didnt bother screwing with it.


As I said, Ive been using CMF for about a month and so far so good, but its still too soon to tell.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks for replying - Im going to crash and die for a while, I’ll be able to properly respond in 12 hours or so.

C Memory Firewall Protects you from Buffer Overflow Attacks and exposes shoddy programing. If CMF had stopped your BSOD’s there would have been an Alert of some sort.

Is there anything in your windows log file when this happens?


man, I never bothered to check the windows log file. where would you find that?

Control Panel >>> Administrative Tools >>> Log Viewer.


ahh, thank you sir.

My AOL is 9.0 SE, what is the difference between that and VR?

“For users on XP, there is no need to upgrade to 9.0VR at this time, as AOL 9.0 Security Edition SE provides a comparable experience.”

Probably not necessary to download the VR. …

There are some improvements in the connection etc with the VR Release! Including the removal of that AOL Buddy at the top of the screen… I recommend it as it’s proving more reliable than the last version. A little less intrusive though I still hate AOL.


I couldnt agree with you more, sir.

Every day I become less and less satisfied with AOL. The internet connection is always ■■■■. They lack integrity - releasing user’s search records. And their god ■■■■ software borders on adware.

I may give the VR a try.

Go with AOL 9 VR and use it only for your emails, or not if you want. You now can retrieve them using Outlook etc. I only use it for emails and the rest of the time through Firefox as my router is set up correctly so I don’t need to run AOL to connect to the internet. (Just enter Username / Password then AOL as “Service name” and www.aol.com as “Domain” remembering to change the MTU to 1450.


Thanks for the advice, I may look into that. I have no router though.

You might be able to setup your Broadband modem which is a bit like a router.

lol no broadband either man. Just the stock 56k. … sooooo slow sometimes. Downloads are a … female dog.

LOL… Find out from your ISP if they

Learned something today…

If you have a dial-up connection to the Internet or are using a computer that gets connected to the Internet intermittently, you’re most likely picking up a dynamic IP address from a pool of possible IP addresses at your Internet service provider’s network during each login.

If you think you have a dynamic IP address, you should ask your network administrator or Internet service provider for the range of IP address that your computer could get assigned.

	TIP:	One way to guess if you might have a dynamic IP address is to disconnect from your Internet service provider, reconnect and recheck your IP address. If the IP address you see after reconnecting is different, that means you have a dynamic IP address.

Note that seeing the same IP address after reconnecting does not necessarily mean that you have a static IP address. This is because if some other computer doesn’t use your current address when you disconnect (if someone else doesn’t connect to your ISP in the meantime, for example), you may get the same address when you reconnect.
If you find out the IP Address range from your ISP then you should be able to either setup a static IP address for your computer. Alternatively, why not try just Disabling the Automatic Network Detection and see what happens in the Firewall Logs. (This can be done under Miscellaneous >>> Settings)


Is it better to have a dynamic IP, or static?

In many respects it’s better to use Static IP addresses. DCHP Dynamic can be hacked if someone gets access to your router.


Very interesting.

I think you said you use AOL, what are you thoughts on their service?

Like? Dislike?

I personally grow more and more dissatisfied with them each day.

They’re connection sucks.

They’re software borders on adware. You can’t even check your email without getting ads shoved down your throat.

And they lack integrity - releasing user’s search records a couple years ago.

If I wasn’t a broke son of a biscuit eating bulldog, I’d switch.

… and I have like every god ■■■■ thing set up for my AOL email address. Website management, poker accounts, forums, this, that, every thing.

Half the problem is that you’re still using dial-up. With broadband, I’m at least able to use an always on connection and setup my router with one of my AOL usernames to enable the connection and I can connect to the internet without AOL software at all, just haven’t convinced Wife to make the full move to Outlook.

I’m not a big fan of AOL nor is many other users that I speak to but they do have a good Broadband package here in the UK offering Unlimited Broadband at 2 meg for about £15.00 a month.

Some good points and some bad though I don’t think we should be going down the “Boycott AOL” route. To each their own.

You can get your AOL emails in outlook. See this link: AOL Help