What happens to issues we report?

To help ensure they are fixed, issues are dealt with as described below. This approach is very important in ensuring that the devs have enough information to correctly understand the issue. This forum is actively moderated to support the process.

[ol]- The user creates an issue topic in ‘Bug reports’.

  • If the topic is not considered to be a issue/bug, the topic is moved to an appropriate location. For example to:

[li] the wish list if is something most users would see as an ‘enhancement’ not a ‘problem’

  • a help forum if it can be resolved by a simple and convenient settings change with no other usability or security implications
  • the installation help forum if its a issue with the way settings transferred from a previous version, unless it is affecting a large number of people[/li]
  • Otherwise we move it to the verified issues board if it meets the required criteria. This means that it is in the Required Format, with all required information provided, and has been approved by the acting Moderator. If a topic combines many separate issues users will be asked to split it, if it duplicates existing issues it may be merged with them by mods. Mods may make small changes to reports themselves if at their discretion. It will also be assigned a tracking number, which allows Comodo staff to more accurately track reported bugs.
  • If it is not in the right format (or requested information is missing), or does not have enough additional provided, the acting Moderator will eventually be forced to move the report to the Incomplete Issue Reports board. This will normally happen after the reporter has been given ample time to update the report. (Reports moved to this section will not be able to be investigated by the devs as there is not enough information provided to ensure replication.) However, you can get it moved to the format verified issues board simply by ensuring that it is correctly formatted and all requested criteria are met. Please double check that your your report meets all the criteria if transfer does not happen within a few days, and PM a mod if you are sure that all criteria are met.
  • After being moved to the Format Verified Board the devs or QA then take a look at the issues and prioritize them for fixing. Unfortunately devs may or may not have time to post any replies to bug reports. Thus, be prepared for either Moderators or devs to possibly request additional information. Even though it has been moved to Format Verified the subsequent investigation may require even more information.
  • Where issues are known to be fixed, mods and QA will try to update the bug and move it to resolved. Unfortunately this will not always be possible as release notes may not be sufficiently specific. If you find that a bug you reported is now fixed, please reply to your report and state that it is fixed with the recent build.[/ol]

This process may change over time. If there are any major alterations in this process we will update this post.

Many thanks for your help with this.