What do I think about Comodo?

I see…so Bob’s blog about Avast offering him a job is a lie?


No, this is true.
But the way you’ve posted before it could give the impression that avast corporation was ordering Bob to do so. And one of the avast team reacted saying that this would be insane.
But, look, this is what I’m reading. The original posters should say their version. But would do they think it worth? :-\

thanks for that…one last question if i may…what exact wording in my posts has led Igor to believe those to be insane pls? you are doing really well…:slight_smile:

Need to search back… It will take some time…
Anyway, maybe it’s the general tone of the posts and not some particular words.

Trying to do my best :slight_smile:
I would really appreciate that you (both companies) work together. You both will win :slight_smile:

Igor’s post was on Friday, 31-12-10, 13:40 and the thread was closed. So the posts he was referring to must have occurred before that.

Source: here.

Reply #1: Bob bad uses the word “fanboy”. But say his “accusations” were from himself. I can’t find the original source, the text, of the “accusations” (probably DACS legal stuff). Does anybody has a link for it? Besides, Bob and a lot of other users, can misunderstood the concepts behind DACS: what is being shared and what is not. Comodo never stolen definitions of other companies.

From that on, you always insist on Bob being paid to do that. You use the word “shame”, “ambassador”; you make a scenario where Bob dialogs with avast team and gave the impression that avast corporation was behind the scene (see reply #11).

In reply #113 you call him a “troll”. On #166 you call him “paid troll”, insisting on a background from avast corporation.
My question on reply #158 remain unanswered.

A summary of all is on reply #174 (31 December 2010, 13:33), some minutes before Igor’s reaction.

After all, the avast words about Comodo software is posted clearly there:

Comodo is a perfectly OK piece of software and there's absolutely nothing wrong with using it.


So Bob didn’t accept the job offer from Avast?

Did Bob lie on his blog?

If Bob didn’t lie, why is calling bob “paid” is insane?

thank you for all your help Tech…you are great!


Tech I noticed that the Comodo OK comment was directed at YoKenny who is one of the gang at Calendar of Updates who have been posting against Melih and Comodo for several years now. There are several members of that forum who have a history of spreading FUD around other forums.

YoKenny has his own opinions and, indeed, does not like Comodo at all.
But YoKenny is not Bob. Both aren’t avast forums.
By the way, a link to the Bob’s accusations will help. I mean, since from the beginning, I did not understand why was the fight started. My first 4 ou 5 posts in that thread was about secondary topics, one of them recognizing Even’s work.

:smiley: I didn’t tell what i think, so why do you wrench my words? Are you a sharper?

Yes, he did. And never hide it afaik.


Are you sure the users are reading this way? I mean, aren’t the users reading “paid” = “posts as being paid, acts like a employee, acts by order of avast team”?

Then, we need to separate what other people said elsewhere. In all topic, users jump and said that Comodo was attacked in some other place. It’s wrong, ok. But we can’t join all these things together.

In other words, some users see conspiracy theories and actions. Maybe there are commercial interests and in some (or many) cases FUD. But we can’t - in my opinion - see the world with these eyes. A friend of many said that I wouldn’t understand United States at all if I think that all behind it are conspiracy theories. This makes me think, specially, when I read antivirus companies make virus/malware just to keep their jobs…

FUD is combated more with acts than with words. More with credibility, facts, than words or posts.

I think Comodo is doing a very good job trying to improve users protection. And won’t FUD and conspiracy theories change the fact of CIS is a very very good suite. The only one full free.

About the “sharing samples/malware on access” I’ll post a separate post. It worths a discussion that I could have already with other virus analysts and, more or less, is what Igor posted in avast forums.

They are all here Tech:

You distort picture. Because you not just simply called Bob “paid”, you beat all in such way that Bob’s negative comments about DACS is a result of his employment on Avast. Hence according to logic Avast pays Bob to say spiteful things about DACS, among other things.

I suppose this is what meant by “crazy accusations and insane stories”.

Sharing samples/malware on access thoughts:

  • Comodo thinks it’s fundamental.
  • It already exists with some delay between companies (paid ones included).
  • You must have a way to avoid “data poisoning” (distribution of false samples, fake malware).
  • You must avoid sheeper behavior (one detects and all others come behind). Kaspersky has already “proved” that people do this at VirusTotal (Google will find the links to this).
  • Other will think that the delay is necessary and does not break down the cooperation, on contrary, it increases the samples quality. For instance, Igor’s thoughts here.
  • The huge percentage of duplications of shared samples. Source: Waste management: the current state of sample sharing linked by Igor in earlier thoughts.
  • DACS is an online sharing system source.

Thanks James. Did not remember that option.

My comments:

Completely wrong assumption from Bob’s side. iObit stolen the work of Malwarebytes, i.e., the virus analysts’ work and the definitions.

But, after that, can we come back to discuss the technology itself? :wink:
DACS is sharing the results and the malware. On DACS thread it can be discussed more.

Another error of good manners and interpretation. Not all people are fanboys.

Here could be the Bob’s thoughts, i.e., he won’t present any proof as this is not his work. He’s posting his opinions - with vehemence I agree - but nothing more than this.

Again, Bob’s thoughts. Please, read it out of the context, without prejudice:

He’s not bashing, just doubting. Some posts before he talks about false positives (the “sheeper” behavior I’ve posted before, the quality of the samples).

After that, all posts inflamed from all parts…

Sorry. It was not my intention twist anyone’s words.

Tech for me it wasn’t just his accusations, it was his sneering manner of trying to talk down to all of us here, such as him saying “Hope that’s simple enough for every one to understand.”

I thought a thoroughly unpleasant individual.

But what I said is totally factual right? and its factual based on what Bob has said, right?



this the pm that i got from bob

We must not have been reading the same thread at Comodo.
the last thing I saw written by Melih asked for my apology.
Since except for a few posts everything in that thread where derogatory remarks directed at me,
for simply expressing my thoughts about this new technology,I don’t there is any reason why I should
reopen the lions den.
Accusing me of Spamming the forum and worse because my assessment of DACS doesn’t muster up to Melih’s standards,
didn’t deserve the treatment I was subjected to.
You may tell Melih that if he’s looking to make peace which is probably a good thing to do, he can simply erase
my original remark which seems to have hit a sore spot and also remove the Thread he honored me with.


You are making comments about moderator’s lack of friendliness that are defamatory and then you cop out because by saying you didn’t track it.

Can you respond to this?

Again thank you for the compliment.

It's not a matter of money. Why do you think people that moderates for free will do it better if it is for money?
SS26 did not imply that. Don't put him words in his mouth.
Why do you think working for free is the passport to work worse or not having "fabulous demands"?
Again. Thank you for your compliment. Still I would like to see corroboration with continuous accusations. Repeating this over and over again without corroboration surely has my radar up.

I find that hard to believe in light of the above.

Agree. He overwhelmed his reactions. Lost the equilibrium.
Knowing Bob, I can almost say for sure that this is not his intention at all.
He’s not arrogant, he’s not a fanatic.
And we know how to deal with these situations. I think it does not worth to flame… in any case.