What AV are you currently running?

Well done, naren! I am strongly agree with you. As average users, they may not know how to decide whether to allow or block. Therefore, it should be counted as 96/103.

Ok, prevention score out of 103 malware:
average users:
Rising - 99
Comodo - 96 :frowning:
Avast - 86
MSE - 59

upper average users:
Comodo - 103 :smiley:
Rising - 99
Avast - 86
MSE - 59

Anyway for upper-average users Comodo makes 100%
:rocks: :BNC

Yes upper average users should look no further than CIS, its the best for them in my opinion. I am waiting for Valkyrie & DACS to be included in CIS realtime protection then I am going to run CIS with D+ disabled coz I think with Val & DACS & D+ disabled CIS will be quite effective protection with no confusing popups for average users.


So back to the thread topic:
comp 1 - CIS Pro
comp 2 - CIS Premium
comp 3 - DefenceWall Personal Firewall + Avast - has been staying for 1 week. I’ve chosen DefenceWall because it’s even stronger then Comodo (http://www.anti-malware-test.com/?q=taxonomy/term/25). And Avast as it has much less false positives then CIS as it’s told here in reports (http://www.av-test.org/certifications).

Comodo Complet only

comp 3 - changed for CIS Pro. DefenceWall makes comp a bit slow then internet finally stops. Its dev assured me that his DefenceWall is absolutely compatible with all security products, and said it’s nonsense that two strong HIPS are very undesirable. But on my comp DefenceWall can’t go along with CIS (obviously for they both have strong HIPS), and now even along with free Avast - I left there only file shield - pure AV itself, all other shields and its sandbox switched off.