We need highly technical people to help us with some testing.

You have the CST status now, so you should be able to see it. Clear your browser cache/cookie if still not work.

yes it works, i can see his new status. :slight_smile:

Tnx tnx tnx tnx tnx tnx, Soya (or someone else)

What are we talking here? Need anyone else? I have a Vista 64 bit machine with SP1 and inside a VM I have available (Xp Pro Sp2, Server 2003 Enterprise, XP Embedded, Vista Business 32 & 64 bit, Windows 2000 Professional, Server 2008 Enterprise & Standard, XP Pro 64 bit, 3.11 no that isn’t a typo, 98SE). Why so many windows? Well 3.11 from when I first started using windows (after starting on basic, then moving to dos), then I went to 95 but I lost my cd, then I went to 98SE (yeah I waited), then Win2k because I knew ME was ■■■■, then XP Pro, and then Vista Ultimate 64 bit. The rest of the stuff I got because I am also a student member of the IEEE Computer Society, and we have an MSDN partnership through e-academy. So basically I have a bunch of copies of windows I can break inside of a VM. Oh, and for the VM I use Virtualbox from Virtualbox.org… I just hope that Sun doesn’t break it.

need anyone serious man, so if u are, come help us. :slight_smile:

Ya, sometimes I like to think I am serious, given that I am a developer, but is Comodo serious?

Reading some of Melih’s rhetoric about Comodo being “for the user”, one would think that there would be a prominent “Best Practices” board, where there is no promotion of any particular product, just good advice about the importance of good habits from veterans to rookies.

For example, it is possible to go without a firewall or an AV and not get infected.
Is there any board on this forum that promotes that ideology?

I will just say that if someone thinks that the major financial institutions rely on firewalls and AVs as their first line of defense they are sadly mistaken.

do u think a MS system can be safe without any protection?
and if u use comodo, don’t u think that defense+ is the only real solution to prevent u from any mlaware?

if u wonder if comodo is serious, maybe u don’t need to help a team that seems not serious for you.

Comments such as this only serve to reinforce solcroft’s comment:
“…a culture of isolationist self-worship at their forums.”
“…their fanbase seems to be built purely on inexperienced newbies who allow themselves to be deluded by leaktest results and the opinion that they actually know how to use Comodo’s products to any effective degree…”

i think u don’t understand the objective of testmypcsecurity.com
there’s no place for fanatic testers to show that this or that firewall is the best, the testing group is here to test all firewalls in total impartiality and to help the all community against infos about firewalls that got a popularity based on nothing concrete.
our testing group is working on each firewall the same way, our objective is to give a testing result based on facts and we’re looking for any way to bypass or crash all firewalls, don’t care which one is it.
so if u think our testing group is composed only of comodo fanatics, u’re just wrong, we work for the community and deliver results where there’s no place for fanatics that would modify results to place the firewall they like at first place.
and if u would look at results in testmypcsecurity.com about comodo u would see that my test said that comodo failed keylooger test just cause i decided that comodo should detect the keylogger activity like did OA, even if comodo told the prog tried to access keyboard, OA alert told the file was a keylogger, so if i was a fanatic, why would i act this way?
i think u just have a wrong idea about our testing team, but if u think that , i’m not going to post hundred times to prove u our work is all except a fanatic concept for some firewall.
maybe some other people can explain our objective too, but we talked about it lot of time now.
so make your decision, the important is that we know what we are and what we do and we’re proud of our work for the community.

and maybe i’m a newbie but u can always ask to OA my part of help from OA build 95 to last OA build, so it’s a strange attitude for a comodo fanatic to help a competitor cause build 95 had big issues and i helped them fixed all issues, and this deserves people that use this firewall, so if it’s not to help community, tell me what is it? why a fanatic newbie of comodo helped OA at this time? cause issues were very serious and it needed ot be fixed for customers security.
but i’m a comodo fanatic for you?
your comment is just not credible, so why posting those accusations as u just don’t know things our team did to help a competitor?
so i’m a fanatic newbie and i don’t know what i’m talking about, got others things to tell on me or my team?

Sure I have some time at night to waste. Not much during the daytime but as long as there is no set schedule I think it’ll be fine. Oh, and axl they do rely on firewalls. Hardware firewalls. Not to mention that many Banks use *NIX servers which have firewalls built into them. Windows might get used on the floor, but their servers are most likely going to be *NIX whether it be System V or Solaris (which is System V now), or a Linux Variant like RHEL (Red Hat Linux). So you are right in a sense… If you meant to say would a bank rely on Comodo firewall for Enterprise security then that answer is no. Would you? I know I wouldn’t. But you aren’t a bank, and neither am I. NO one is going to spend that much time trying to hack into your system because you don’t have billions of dollars inside your house (I’m assuming). and if you do… What is your IP address?

Become a moderator and you will see them (:WIN) !ot!

LOL !ot! is right. Anyway, I don’t think I would attempt a hack into someones computer if they had billions inside their house it would be more worth it to use the ip for geo-location.

deathdr0ne, I am well aware of the fact that banks use hardware firewalls, but please note that at no point did I say that they do not use firewalls, whether software or hardware.
I stated that firewalls and AVs are not their first line of defense, and they never have been for me either.
A firewall or AV is just a bit of reassurance that things are ok.
Do you 100% trust your firewall and AV to protect you always?
Heck, I don’t even trust Windows 100%, lol!
All software has bugs, and there has never been any guarantee that one of these bugs won’t pop up some day and leave you out in the cold.
Also, a hardware firewall maybe more hackproof, but bugs can still be found in its operating software, just like a standalone software firewall.
Finally, banks are moving their internet services away from *nix servers to CICS Web Services, since they already have the mainframes.

“Do you 100% trust your firewall and AV to protect you always?”

“Heck, I don’t even trust Windows 100%, lol!”
I trust my firewall’s, and AV more then I trust Windows. Much more.

In fact what I trust about my firewall’s is that I have an SPI firewall as the first line of defense (preventing entrance into my pc), and I trust Comodo to catch what goes out, and D+ to catch what runs (for the most part…but since even while in Train With Safe Mode it fails to ask me sometimes and just “prevents” things).

However, all that stated Comodo is a much better firewall then most software Windows solutions even one’s that you have to pay for. Is it perfect? No, and I personally believe that no software solution ever will be. There are many reasons for this, but ultimately it comes down to one thing… It’s software. When you have software as you stated there are going to be bugs, and on top of that there are going to be other people out there who create software for the sole purpose of defeating your software (copy protection schemes on DVD’s ring a bell?). The point is that no software can or ever will be “perfect” and impenetrable. Now the thing I await is Hyper-V, and my 64 bit copy of Server 2008. Why? I can run whatever I want in a stage I virtual environment, and feel safe. I won’t have to waste the precious resources that I would using a stage two (although virtualbox is pretty good), and if my os crashes and the ■■■■ hits the fan…who cares? just restore, return to a previous state, or load a backup in minutes as opposed to hours. It will be nice I think…but then I will always be thinking in the back of my head “When is someone going to build a virus that can permeate through a virtual guest into the host?” When that happens then what do you do?

Lastly, I am well aware of the fact that the most common attack at the moment can bring my SPI firewall to it’s knees… A SYN attack is the #1 enemy of SPI firewalls. However, like I said I have nothing of any interest to any hacker for them to want to make such an attempt. Am I going to invest in a DPI ? LOL I don’t think so.

ailef, no offense, but:

  1. I find some of your posts difficult to read.
  2. This debate is off-topic with regards to the OP, and I now regret being the catalyst.

Given the above, I will not continue.

Best regards,

I find nothing to disagree with here.


excuse me axl but read what u post, u want me to say thank you, u’re right when u judge us this way?
“culture of isolationist self-worship at their forums”
“their fanbase seems to be built purely on inexperienced newbies who allow themselves to be deluded by leaktest results and the opinion that they actually know how to use Comodo’s products to any effective degree”

so u say i’m off topic as i just give u examples to show u that what u say is not the comodo testing group reality,
your post is an attack based on no facts about the work of the comodo testing group, do u know how we work?
your judgment about our team comes from where?
do u have examples about our team that prooves we’re just fanatic newbies that know nothing?

if for u it’s off topic to give you examples about what we do as u say bad things about our work,
then it means i just have to shut up when u post false things on us ?

i’m sorry but u started to post comments that needed to be clarify with true facts about our work, cause what u said was just totaly wrong, and i can’t let u tell things like that whithout posting facts to show u u’re wrong.

so come and see then u will make your own opinion, but not like that as u know nothing about the work we do.

i hope relations will get better, u can’t say things like that, we work seriously and we’re totaly impartials.
it took me lot of time to work on the project and u don’t respect our work when u talk like that, we do that for community and for free man.
so please see before judge, cause i feel insulted as i do my best to work on this project.

I didn’t think there would be much to disagree with. I mean a few point to argue, but alas the only line of defense that I can see as being “the best” is a DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) firewall which includes a few layers of security in itself. However, if you look up the price of a DPI firewall (I know technically they aren’t firewall’s but I call them that anyway:) ) they are outrageous for a home user with no intent of locking down fort knox.

So what happened to needing people? Are we supposed to receive some sort of invite or what?

yep when u got your status modified, u can join parts of the forum about comodo testing group and choose the FW u want to test. so we can talk about results, need others testers to work on the FW u choosed to see if results are ok then it can be posted on testmypcsecurity.com