Was 9/11 planned by our goverment?

lolllll. LMAO! Ewen, I don’t know what you do for a job right now, but you should go to Hollywood for comedic entertainment! :smiley:

“Rock on holy one!!”



Oh, yeah!?
How 'bout this “music” then?
Professional Farters • ■■■■ Interesting

I found it intoxicating. ::slight_smile:


Paul :wink:

Nah, actually , it stunk! ;D


No, wisanggeni. They were talking about “holy” music, not “hole” music. :wink:

My bad.

Anyway… have they found those WMD yet?
If not… will it triger a countdown to the next World War?
Can we stop these “cojones” leaders, and stop spending everyones lives now?

…or do they realy feel it’s a comfortable situation; when they have to baricade most of their embasy on most Asian country now?

…pretty sad, when a great country acting like Michael Jackson.
…too many times to spend…
…too many power to waste…
…too many “ka-ching” at hand…

Yet, unsatisfied…

*. Michael Jackson’s said: “Who’s bad?”

That reminds me of a joke from an Iranian comedian about the possible war in Iran:

‘Most people probably won’t know the difference between Iran and Iraq. Well Iran’s the one with WMD.’

Windows Media Downloads? ;D

Yes, what else would I be talking about. ;D