Was 9/11 planned by our goverment?

Hey Paul,

I believe you have heard of the saying ‘Young at heart’. ;D About the teenager room being a scary place, ittttttt depends. I don’t think my room is scary. (But then again, I don’t think people would consider me a TEENager anymore)

Yours truly,

Don’t tell me, you want a poll on your age as well? lol. hmmmmmmm


The YOUNG at heart**agkkk attack ***arhllll


Read the previous replies. :wink:



I have seen Loose Change.

Religion only plays a part a a fear compaign against America and Australia so that Human Rights can be broken for the Governments own interests.

One side effect that worries me the most is that “Muslims” did not conduct the attacks “Extremists” did. Christian/Catholic extremists are just as insane and dangerous (Goarge Bush, Uh-hum, using constant “God” references in his speaches) as the Muslim Extremists.

What i hate most about religion is that religous people are so easily swayed to kill eachother. I am an atheist, i don’t agree with any religion. It pains me to see mis-lead australian’s being exposed to constant media that puts Muslims in a bad light, when it is a few insane criminals who happen to be Muslim.

Anyway, i do believe that their are people that are alot smarter then myself will exploit religion, to further their own power or beliefs. Goarge Bush could have done this for many reasons, one is money as said in the Loose change movie, he could have done it to evade whatever eastern country he wants and access to oil. Or maybe he did it to have reason to wipe out the eastern society.

Whatever the reason, it is quite possible that he conducted the attack.

The only thing that needs to be said now, is the seperation between “Muslims” and “extremists”

Credit to America, Goarge Bush’s approval rating is VERY Low (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP) (:WIN)

You have no-idea how proud i am of America at this moment. LOL

cheers, rotty

I agree completely, last sunday someone yelled, “Hey! The priest is taking off with the holy wine!!” and before you knew it, all hell broke loose, everyone was either bruised , battered , or dead! It was terrible! My mother in law applied a choke hold until he let the bottle go.

But on a serious note, the one thing that irritates me is how as you said “religous people are so easily swayed to kill eachother” is true. This is also true about many things these days. To put it as bluntly as I can, many people are idiots, complete idiots. I catagorize these people in the ones who are easily led to hate by all sorts of ways, like religion , politics, race, status, etc…the list goes on my friend. What I hate the most is that the same people blame a catagory, a name, an object for our woes. I don’t see anyone taking direct blame for what they do anymore, there’s always a reason , an excuse for what they do. A big load of ■■■■ is what it is and since many can no longer think for themselves, kiss the rears of higher powers :-* , or have some false sense of power themselves , are basically sheep, what do we expect from the world these days? I know there are many good people out there and I truly believe that only the good people that are left will hold any hope of keeping this world from destroying itself. The problem is, not many good , decent or honest people are ever in power, makes sense in a way I suppose, you have to be greedy, non caring, almost non emotional to get to power in many areas. Any way…ummm…what was my point now??? ???

Oh well, take care,


In generaly, rich people tend to get on my nervous, although this is a generalization (-: . Mainly because they seem intent on sinking the middle to lower class people as low as they can to maximize their own wealth.

Anyway, that is really not with what is being discussed here, but thought i would chuck a spanner in the works.

cheers, rotty

I remember a quote from Bertrand Russell in Sceptical Essays that goes something like this:

“If a mad man were to stand in the middle of the street and starting to shout about how great and magnificient he is, people will label him insane. However, if he were to declare the greatness of his religion or race, people will cheer upon his statement (and not labelling him a lunist)”

I think we humans have some part of insanity indoctrinated into us since young and it is this insanity that causes most of the problems in this world.

Yours truly,

Another theory which backs up what DoomScythe said, is that the “Insanity” in peopel has to be their to some extent so that the population is controlled, if death did not occur we would outrun ourselves and the human race would be devastated when the supply of food and water is exceeded by our population.

Problem with Economics and Society is that what goes up must come down, we must have years of Economic Depression because the lifestyle we enjoy today is based on Growth and Growth is not sustainable.

cheers, rotty

I am no fan of the present american government nor of any extermist religion. I am not atheist but thanks to my upbringing have come to understand and appreciate many different religion (for those that doh know, go look up sai baba and/or unified religious movements or something). Anyways regardless of all the many factors and ideas being turned over in this thread I will just try to answer the first question in an objective way.
Do I think the US government was responsible: Possibly, but everything should be taken with a grain of salt (referring to the ‘facts’ and ‘reliable sources’).

If I were 1 of those scientists doing the actual testing and research, then I would be in a much better position to have a definitive standpoint.

Based on the ‘backlash’ the US has had on middle eastern counties, 1 is somewhat left to believe moresover that 9/11 was planned (and not by a mere terrorist organization). One could argue that letting a crime occur when you are in a position to prevent it, is as bad as commiting the crime yourself. But thats just 1 take on such things.

I am fortunate enough to live in a VERY diverse country where we have MANY religions and for the most part we live together without the ‘extreme’ differences of opinion based on the ehtnicity and religion (even if we’re beginnign to lean towards that state, due in NO small part to the ‘american pop culture’ rotting the very fabric of our youth’s morale) but I won’t get into that.

The way I see it the following are potential reasons it could be true:

  1. For money (read oil)
  2. For money…
  3. For money…
  4. Did I mention money?

Let’s face it the US was NOT doing so well financially and to be fair they’ve more than done there share of giving to the rest of the world. However as someone mentioned growth is not a sustainable property and eventually there is decline. Perhaps they figured to reverse or at least slow the decay that they needed a war, and to go to war you need (usually) a ■■■■ good reason. So enter these convenient extremist’s whom have idea’s of grandure and pose enough of a threat to your nation that you can convince yourself (and your allies) that you are warranted in invading, destroying and stealing ‘back’ from them. It’s not like it would be the first time and it will NOT be the last. From your world war histories, you do know that the US was selling weapons to Germany right? just as they funded Osama at one point? just as the bush family has some weird and convoluted relationship. etc etc etc.

While I don’t like to lay blame and have gotten pinned more than enough times on this issue, I will agree and not fan the flames but just in my opinion, there are way too many coincidinces with this whole thing to begin with. Any one remember the last time oil prices were their highest ever? Yep, desert storm. Who was president? You guessed it, …dad. Unfortunately it seems the economy isn’t doing as well as the rich are in this whole mess. All through history the wars that were fought brought about a far better economy, unless you were the loser of course, but much like , Vietnam, one that did nothing for the economy, one brought about testing of drugs and death for soldiers and left many wondering why it was even happening, left veterans on the streets. Some home coming for those poor guys, they fought for nothing, had mental trauma beyond our understanding, lost limbs , drug addicted from the war and the people and government left them out in the streets. Growing up in the city, I knew many through my dad and very disturbing to say the least. My point is, they got away with it. I talked to a former veteran who also served in the government he told me something that stayed with me, " A little hint, when the statistics say there are fewer and fewer homeless veterans, it’s because they have died, not because they have gotten help" I found this statement very disturbing yet true. I suppose what i’m getting at is that our leaders have figured out how to use war for their own gains, if it was ever obvious , it is now. From then til now. The one thing I laugh at is prices. Every time the oil prices start going down, an oil line breaks, or barrels go up , or some darn excuse. I mean come on, no matter what people think on the war, the oil prices excuses are a load of B.S. I have never seen so many excuses at one time for oil to go up. We had no homeless where we live, although a smaller area, but lately there have been up to 10 homeless and they are expecting our town to be a ghost town in the next 7 to 10 years, due to oil prices since no one can afford their utilities. (Yes many of us are selling our homes due to this) Yet, someone out there is filling their pockets, having fun in one of several swimming pools they own, perhaps riding in their ferrari, or choosing which home they hate the most. To be plain honest, the rich are getting richer and the rest of us are getting .#%%%ED . <—fill in what you like… Yet we are told the economy is strong, lolllll. I say the only ones who think so are the rich or those in denial.

A quick reply to Doomspice, I think we have elected insane leaders all through history, which is why there is greed and war to begin with. And perhaps a bit of insanity from the sheep as well. But to be more honest, I think it’s more stupidity, or perhaps a lack of self thought may be more appropriate. Many (not all) people are usually only brave in groups , not alone and will follow whatever makes them feel safe, in power , in control, or whatever. This is human nature for many. I myself was never a leader or a follower but looked at all sides and saw the B.S. being flung. Another saying off your saying , if a rich person is insane, they are eccentric, if they are poor, they are crazy. Perhaps we should vote a Comodo member as president…I feel another poll coming on!! (:CLP)



It’s not an issue yet and thank you all for your civil tone.

However,due to the potentially, err, flamable nature of this topic, I ask you all to please remember our forum policies as you engage in this discussion. Tx.


I suspected that Comodo member for president was going too far. :wink:

Anyway… Oil. The interesting thing about oil & its cost, is that its price has been held artificially low since early 1970s. If it had been allowed to grow in-line with inflation & other factors (it’s a diminishing resource that cannot be replaced), it would already be way above the current price that most people feel is now high.

“even if we’re beginnign to lean towards that state, due in NO small part to the ‘american pop culture’ rotting the very fabric of our youth’s morale” FROM W1nTry

Interesting that you said that, i have heard that alot except replace American with Australian.

I actually agree with this to an extent, Rock “n” Roll music would not have existed if the Churches of their time had thier way, this is great considering that a new group of “Happy Clappers” is starting to become popular (People singing and clapping at church, and stuff). Using Rock “n” Roll instruments such as electric Guitars and others. So to an extent is true, but churches are not the ones that should have any government or military control, mainly becuase of scary passages in the Bible, which i refer to later.

I would recommend not using that phrase, it is sort of a Clich’e even though i agree that society has gone down hill.

Australia is following America and America is not looking that great (:SAD)

You might remember stuff in movie’s about the “Second Coming of Christ” well, that is actually meant to happen after a Big war todo with (Can’t remember the name), but it is meant to be centered around where christ was born or something like that. But all-in-all this means that Christians want a massive war in that part of the world so that GOD will return, i am fairly confident that George Bush wants this to happen, or he is appealing to Christians that want this to happen by refering to “God”. I have to say being an atheist, i don’t care how good this guy is (:TNG), he is NOT worth a war of that magnitude. (:SAD)

The scary thing is that he is starting to sound like ■■■■■■, that is in no way a good thing (:SAD) .

Cheers, rotty

Oh, so no one wants to run for president, fine. lol. I was voting for Ewen …I can hear his speech now, “Never mind the economy, my mother in law is coming over , did I tell you I bought her a chair ? She just hasn’t plugged it in yet” (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP) <—crowd.

Seriously though, I understand where this can go and why I have been trying to keep it very low and not point a definate finger, this is a very touchy subject. Oil isn’t so bad…so I will reply in m “opinion” to your oil dilema…

While this may be true, oil companies were not suffering in any way from this. Many factors go into this, and without dwelving into wasted spending, ( (billions and billions) funding for new sources for energy has been at the bottom for years and years. There are vehicles that can run on water, or even wood, electricity , solar, and have designs to be improved on or are improved but thrown to the side by auto companies. Very little is being put into other sources of energy and currently there is a claim that this is a higher priority, which many are still waiting to see. My opinion would be that oil companies didn’t want other resources currently or in the past. This would be a huge loss to many big wigs and the lower um…rich class. Investments would drop, money would be lost. Oil is the black gold. If there was a definate energy replacement tomorrow, auto companies would lose billions, oil companies would lose billions, the U.S would lose billions, those just the big three. What I guess I am trying to say would be this…Just as Microsoft uses a marketing strategy by knowing many users, companies, PC manufacturers are dependant on their OS and would shake in it’s giant boots if a free OS that EVERYONE could use and was versitle, came into play. They KNOW what they have and so do oil companies, or whoever\ wherever we get oil, really wouldn’t matter, we are dependant and they know it. There was then no need for higher oil prices when it was a definate source of money. Not so stable when depending on others for it but all in all, if it was that far behind on monetary intake, I would think something would have been done about it way back when. Also, the price of barrells were still on a level swing all these years with the price per gallon, so I wouldn’t say it was artificially low, that was the price of the barrell and that’s what we went off. The price of the barrell is around 50 bucks a barrell, hence the higher price , so it’s not artifical at all, it’s true percentege my friend. %%%% Since I feel like this was a sit down coffee house discussion…


Here…have a cup of coffee,… :wink: c[ ] I’ll pay this time, loll.



While even more touchy, I won’t state my religious beliefs or the such. When one studies religion in general, it points back to one or more of the same entity. So wars were fought over the same entity but due to HUMAN differences in belief of the HOW more so than the WHAT. Sort of if we all liked cars but had a war because we couldn’t agree over a style. I do put things simple true, but in fact things are simple, people make them complicated. Being unacceptable of others beliefs and such is a big NO NO in my book, I respect other cultures and religions.
I applaud YOU for being Athiest and not hammering down on others who do have a religion. (:CLP) Very rare. But the reason I replied was a funny picture entered my mind, perhaps if < whatever religious belief> that a god would return, would in fact be decending down , headbanging to Metallica! (:AGL) Perhaps holding an electric guitar and signing autographs. What better way to cheer the world up? Not only prove that rock and roll isn’t evil, it’s heavenly cool dude! A worldly rock concert ! See, that’s what the world needs, to have fun, listen to some good Rock, not judge others and get Comodo firewall. (:KWL)

Oh yeah, and Alyssa Milano’s phone number (:LOV)



Who is Alyssa Milano ?

Ok did a google search, she is hot, but is she in movie’s or what? I am afraid to click on any links when searching a Famous person’s name in google, for reasons of avoiding spyware/viruses.

Cheers, Rotty

loll, She was that little girl years ago on who’s the boss, for the last few years she has been one of the sisters on the TV show Charmed. I only watch it to catch a glimpse of her. :smiley: I tell my wife Alyssa is my other love, loll. One day, I will get her autograph, and then hit the floor after my head spins from lack of oxygen. (:TNG) She is the only female star I would get that excited about meeting, although Trish Stratus from WWE wrestling I got a bit nervous over when I got her autograph, and could’t find anything to say. :wink:



I have seen charmed, but not that other show you mentioned.

Cheers, Rotty

New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talkin’ 'bout Pope music