Virus scanning trouble

This bug struck again this morning, but the behaviour was slightly different.

In the past when I clicked pause or stop, the Comodo window would grey out and remain on screen annoyingly pinned “always on top”. This time I got an error message:

Pause failed. Error code 0x800705aa. Insufficient system resources sexist to complete the requested service.

I checked, and cmdagent was not running. When I clicked the close button, the window actually disappeared. I brought up the CIS summary window, which claimed all systems were active and running, even though cmdagent was not. I attempted a manual scan, but I got the same insufficent resources message. I attempted to restart cmdagent by disabling AV and then enabling it, but cmdagent did not start. Since I was not protected even though CIS thought I was, I was forced to reboot anyway.

I should have checked the event viewer before the reboot, because it contained this system event:

The COMODO Internet Security Helper Service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s).

I wish I had checked running services and tried restarting the helper service. I suspect it would have temrinated with insufficient resources but it would have been good to confirm that. Also, a scan through system events did not find any other CIS helper crashes, so that is another indication that the behaviour is different this time.

I am running CIS 3.8.65951.477, XP sp3, virus database 1084.

If you install process explorer from Sysinternals Process Explorer - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn

You can monitor the user/kernel cpu usage for cmdagent, it could spike a few times to 99% but it should not stay high that long, and certainly not RED(Kernel) for long… can you please see how that behaves during a scan, and if things go sky high, what it’s scanning at that moment ?

I use Process Explorer to debug problems all the time. I did not bother to fire it up because Task Manager immediately revealed that cmdagent was not running.

My scan of critical areas runs every night at 2:00 AM. Because CIS does not log scans (when? WHEN?) I don’t know how long it normally takes, nor have I ever watched it with Task Manager or Process Explorer before. At your request, I just watched a complete critical area scan and the CPU used by cmdagent never exceeded about 75%. Of course it did not crash or hang either.

PS You owe me 1 hour 53 minutes.

Same problem as everone else. Previously had Commodo Free without Anti Virus no problem but since installing new version last month unable to complete full scan also keeps hanging up on C:\windows\system\32\drivers\larmnt5.sys. Only solution is to reboot. However when you locate file and only scan that file no problem. Please find a solution ASAP

This problem persists. I get it two or three times a week from my nightly scan of critical areas. I’ve experienced it every Wednesday morning for three weeks in a row now.

I had also noticed that it seems to be associated with virus database updates somehow. Every time I rebooted, the first thing Comodo did was update the virus database. This morning, however, I got a new behaviour: when I started to reboot, a Comodo popup warned me the virus database update was in progress and asked me to wait. This happened so late in the shutdown that I could not bring up Task Manager, so all I could do was click ok. I waited a couple of minutes but I couldn’t see any activity (disk light not flashing) so eventually I had to hit the reset button.

I see a couple of other threads in which people claim to have solved the error code 0x800705aa problem (one of the symptoms of this bug) by doing a thorough uninstall and a clean reinstall. I guess I should go look for a way to preserve custom settings across clean reinstalls.

just want to add to this thread as i have same problem, i created a new scan in the “run scan” page, and added program files as a seperate task and created one for windows folder and the computer locked up on random folders in program files so i never scanned the windows folder and came here searching for an answer.
dep is disabled and has been for a while because it causes problems with “punkbuster” a game anticheat program.

hope this helps to find a solution


CIS 3.9 is due to be released tomorrow. Please give this version a try.

reading the Post I had the same trouble
it scanned well on the 1st attempt then this weekend it hung on system file pci.sys for what appeared like ages
the stop button didnt stop it it kept on scanning that file like there was no tommorow
in the end i had to reboot the comp and uninstall it and have avira instead with just the firewall untill it runs out
hopefully the problem should be fixed by then

Hi Richard,

It is important to tell us which version you are running. So far 3.9 hasn’t hung on me but I have not had it long enough to feel comfortable that the problem was fixed. If it was in the list of fixes then I missed it.

On the positive side, I know they fixed only other bug that I was encountering.