Virus Database Updates are VERY slow...

yo! O0
i have the same “stuck at 30%” issue on vista 64.
and then the update fail 88)

i have slow & sometimes unstable connection. is there any way to download the update manually? :-La

My problem is related to my Internet connection at home. I am using a 56K modem – no DSL, T1, or any other fast connection, and the virus signature database updates take very long to download; the last large one took more than 2 hours. What I am trying to find out is if there is a way to obtain a batch version of the virus signature database that I can download at work (where I have a T1 line), copy to a 4-GB flash drive, take that home, then run the batch file to update the virus database at home.

You can copy a bases.cav from another CIS installation to your own. There is no standalone download available from the Comodo site.

To copy the new bases.cav from the other computer you need to temporarily disable D+. You can do that by right clicking on the CIS icon in the systray → Defense + Security Level → set to disabled now.

Don’t forget to enable D+ again of course…;D

a pretty major issue really. a case of a AV program just taking over my computer, we have
3 machines on our home network, 2 using comodo, and our broadband stalled for ages
for the last few weeks.

sometimes i wonder, having used other providers, whose machine is this? mine or
comodo’s (or microsoft’s)…

why can’t comodo be more open to there users about such an issue?

i have a few issues with comodo, i would like the software to tell me what it’s doing…
for days i couldn’t figure out why my machine was so slow… dumb i may be, but why can’t
comodo provide better notification like… HUGE AV DOWNLOAD HAPPENING NOW…
instead of just taking priority on my machine whenever it wants to…

i have the same issues with windows, maybe windows 7 will be a step in the right direction but
i fancy the google chrome philosophy… GIVE THE PC BACK TO THE USER!!!..hoooray :slight_smile: