Videos stopped playing on facebook [Merged]

I will not move to the UK just to play videos. I’m happily living in Canada :-TU. This is also blocked on SRWare Iron (64-Bit) :-\

Thanks for the update. My wife is Canadian and moved here :slight_smile:

Right on. :-TU Ya this issue also effects Canada, Not just the US

It now affects the UK too :frowning: … I just tried with Chromium and it’s blocked

Still working in the UK in Dragon and Chromodo.

Someone should go tell Mark Zuckerberg to fire his team because they block facebook videos from Chromium.

It stinks

It’s a pain is what that is.

I too have an affinity for Comodo products but I will probably switch to Canary for a while till Facebook remove the block if my Dragon and Chromodo also stop playing videos on Facebook as I suspect they will soon.

Facebook needs to fix it. Frankly they should update their player to HTML 5. Flash is a dying breed.

It is related to ones Facebook Login. When I tried Chromium it was on my wife’s laptop and her login … I logged in as me and the videos play fine in Chromium too.

It looks like Facebook are blocking playing videos with Chromium, SRware Iron, Comodo Dragon and Comodo Chromodo for users in the US, Canada, NZ and probably others. For now they seem fine with UK logins.

So to Play Videos on Facebook you will need to use Chrome, Canary, Firefox or Internet Explorer for now. Videos on YouTube etc will all work fine it’s just on Facebook.

Hi Guys,
If this is a geolocation specific issue, it is not the browser or the Flash plugin at fault.

I suspect a lot of the videos on FB can be found elsewhere. :wink:


??? Aren’t you the smart one 88)

I removed my post. I was in Chrome not Chromium lol … I have too many windows open. lol

You’re laziness to report the issue reflects on Comodo company.

I did find several on You Tube from the same Zoo but could not locate this one but now it’s moot since we know it’s not the video it’s Facebook blocking all videos in all Chromium based browsers (except Google’s) for people with logins in various countries.

Videos work fine in the UK.

DestructiveBurn as I pointed out to you earlier and captainsticks has reiterated. This is a Facebook issue related to all Chromium Builds it is not limited to just Comodo products.

Also as I have said before Videos work fine in All Comodo products for UK logins so it’s not related to the Comodo products, more the Facebook login. Ergo it’s a Facebook issue.

Hi DestructiveBurn,
No offence, but I am not even a member of FB and do not intend joining.
As a volunteer Moderator I am not compelled to report issues with other sites, nor does that make me lazy.

Edit: Grammar correction.

volunteer Moderator…Makes sense.
We by meaning all who use facebook that’s having this issue should all be spamming there bug report page with this issue. I already did.

Let us all hope they (FB) resolve the issue sooner rather than later. :slight_smile: