Unable to update dabase or app

Hi there,

I was active user of Comodo since version 5.8 until I switched to Mac.

Recently I started using PC (Windows 10) in my computer repair shop but I noticed an issue with update servers. I can’t update daabase or app, it only being updated when I connect to a VPN server.

I can’t even download offline update manually from website :frowning:

I don’t know there is any restrictions on specific country (Iran), IP or anything else?

Until now all OS and CIS (non-beta) updates applied. CIS updates applied only with a VPN connection.


Hi iamhya,

Thank you for reporting.
Kindly check with the below CIS version.



Thanks for the links. There is unusual delay when I click on them to start download, but they started to download finally without VPN connection.

but updating from app itself still require VPN connection. I even try CCE in another computer still same issue.

I will try to reinstall CIS to try again.

p.s. version 2024 when will be released? :blush:
