Trying to build a safe list crashes

Hey all,

When going into Manage My File Profiles and trying to scan my system for a safe list, or trying to create a custom safe list, it crashes.

I’m running the latest x64 beta build of the firewall program and just wanted to know if there is anyone else out there having the same issue.

EDIT: This has been corrected in the latest build. It works now.

WinXP x64 here…

I have not had any crash issues with executing the profiler (scan my PC). I have watched it scan the HD, and while at times it looked like it was stuck (long paths get truncated when uber long, so it doesn’t appear to update).

I exported the safe list. made a tiny file… like ~130k

I selected a file and created a customer safe list without error.

I selected to edit my custom list, and found it to be empty.

didn’t try import, or file submission.