Scheduled Full Scan Does Not Run [M1006]

Please explain in greater detail what you are experiencing. I don’t quite understand.


scheduled scan doesn’t start cause CIS waits computer being idle x mins, if I uncheck that option then scan starts normally IF I haven’t rebooted computer since then and if I have rebooted then CIS tries to wait x mins computer being idle before starting scan (and that happens hrs later and will be paused when I put comp sleeping and will continue after I wake up computer). dunno if its due Windows (non-admin account) or CIS itself.

bit hassle if I have to goto edit CIS’s task every saturday before next scan is scheduled.

Can you please provide numbered steps through which the devs could follow to reproduce this issue?


open task scheduler (with admin perms), there select comodo and then comodo scan task and then conditions tab and there is start the task only if computer is idle for 1min to 1hr and scan wait from 0 min to 2 hrs, also other things but those are unchecked (besides AC power requirement). after restart that waiting for idle should be back.

like I said don’t know if its Win 7 or CIS related. in WinXP scheduled scan started even if computer was in use but then user had admin perms.

  1. Open task schedule with admin permissions.
  2. Select Comodo and then the Comodo scan task.
  3. Then, under the conditions tab, there is an option to start the task if the computer is idle for between 1 minute to 1 hour and scan wait from 0minutes to 2 hours.

After this what do you select for your times? I’m a little confused, and not sure what to put in the tracker for the devs. Please clarify.


I have tried to disable waiting condition totally since my computer isn’t idling much when scan should start but after reboot its back to default (10 mins)…

Thank you. I have added this information to the tracker, re-opened the entry in the tracker, and moved this bug report back to format verified.


The devs have asked that you try disabling the checkbox to ‘start the task if the computer is idle’ and see if that allows the Scheduled Scan to run. This could be caused by the PC not fully being in IDLE.

Please let me know what you find.


as I have stated before I’ve unchecked that box but it gets back after closing task scheduler.

and yes I know scheduled scan doesn’t start cause computer ain’t idling, that’s why this thread exists.

Thank you. I have noted this in the tracker, and I apologize for the misunderstanding. I will see what I can find out about how this is intended to work and let you know when I have any new information.

Can you check if Task Scheduler service is enabled? Also, please delete all of Comodo’s scheduled tasks and restart computer system.
Please note, that this scan runs in background.

The problem is that CIS does not update status of Full Scan schedule. I was planning to report that tomorrow.

task scheduler service is running and starts when windows starts.

deleted all cis tasks and after reboot those had come back (apparently with same settings as before).

The devs have not marked this as Fixed in the tracker. However, sometimes bugs are fixed by the release of new versions, but not marked as Fixed in the tracker.

If you are able please check with the newest version (CIS version and let me know if this is fixed on your computer with that version.

Thank you.

CIS hasn’t reported that new version is available even when I did signature update 2 days ago cause noticed that signatures were 17 hrs old.

Something bugging although no idea where since today signatures were 15 hrs old.

Diagnostics says no errors (not surprised since on my Vista-computer it says same and still Comodo Agent can’t be started (will file proper bug report about it if it continues in version 8 too)).

apparently not scanning as scheduled as non-admin user, I uninstalled CIS as admin-user (even used CIS uninstaller) and also installed CIS as admin-user and set to scan even if comp ain’t idle but after switching to non-admin account it was set to wait comp being idle.

lookslike there ain’t fix for scheduled scan to occur as non-admin user or at least if comp ain’t in idle since this has been bugging near year.

thread can be closed since its unlikely that there’ll be solution.

Thank you for the update, cuser. I’ve linked your information in the tracker.

Thanks again.


The devs have not marked this as Fixed in the tracker. However, sometimes bugs are fixed by the release of new versions, but not marked as Fixed in the tracker.

If you are able please check with the newest version (CIS version and let me know if this is fixed on your computer with that version.

Thank you.

doubt it since at least quick scan hasn’t run since last fresh installation (few days after last xmas).

Thanks i have updated the tracker.

Should be fixed with version <>.

Thank you.