Save Comodo Time Machine!

By the way Melih

Comodo Internet Security - CIS: Windows firewall and MSE.
Comodo Dragon - CD: Internet Explorer
Comodo Disk Encryption - CDE: BitLocker
Comodo System Cleaner - CSC: Disk Cleaner
Comodo Backup - CB: Windows Backup
Comodo Programs Manager - CPM: Windows Program (Control Panel)

Which “wheel” we’re talking about?
And we’re talking about Microsoft only… There are tons of other companies producing “wheels”…

we know exactly what the Windows Firewall is…
we know exactly what the MSE is…
We know exactly what IE is… and so on…
lets find out “exactly” what MS has to offer first…

lol, that was so funny
melih comments had double sense XD

by the way, i also like a lot CTM, and im sure the new “wheel” from MS will not even get comparison with CTM,
we know the “window backup” dont have any function like differencial backup or conpress and even more basic functions
we know MSE is the antivirus with less detection ratio than any other
we know bitlocker only is available on ultimate or similar edition of windows, and miss some functions
we know disk cleaner only clean self microsoft trash
we know windows firewall is useless

i think all that is more than enough proof of what the microseft system restore is and will be

A word I’d like to say regarding " Comodo " is it’s One of a few companies whose objective is more than " Commercial Profitabilities " ~ It has a genuine heart and care for the ever-increasing population of computer users worldwide ! !

Another company that has this attribute is Avast. I do appreciate the values of Both of these Companies Very Much.

p.s. " Let users have more Wheels to choose from !! "

Ok, Melih.
I was trying to “force” you to written exactly what you’ve wrote.
“We know what system restore is…” :slight_smile:

@kinemitor: the same as to Melih :slight_smile:
@James: long live to wheels :slight_smile:

I voted for the first option.

CTM is something that comodo should try to invest their resources on; it’s innovative and something for the future!

I use, have tried it on a virtual machine a couple of time and my conclusion is that it will save a hell of a time and frustration.

Valentin N

even if microsoft develop a perfert system restore to new state, CTM is still needed
restore computer from problem is only a single feature of CTM, im not always making my pc not boot, i dont use CTM only for restore from problems, that’s only secondary utility and im sure most ppl who use CTM here have it no only to restore but for

test programs, (in many cases VMachine is not enough),
roll back configurations changes,
delete any usage traces* (no program can do it better than a “time machine”)
if lastest installed programs are causing performance issues i can get rip of then easily

Thanks kinemitor. You’ve got the points :slight_smile:

right on the spot. +1 :-TU

After so long that microsoft will think about doing this, but the MTC should continue because it is always best to prevent, that microsoft will make that restorative wrong. hehehe

one more reason to keep CTM. for people that I help through told me how bad windows restore is and how many times you have to do the same procedure to be able to come back to the wanted to restore point.

From the tests that I made CTM never failed on going back and forward through the snapshots.

Valentin N

I badly miss my trusty CTM since I’ve switched from Corsair S128 (without TRIM) to Corsair F90 (with TRIM) so I vote YES, keep it alive. Please.

if you switch the TIM off you will be able to have CTM 2.9b on your pc.

I know, but I prefer to use TRIM instead CTM.
Now I’m using Macrium Free for imaging but CTM was easy and fast…

As posted by Ronny,

Leaks of Windows 8 seems to be in the direction of file backup and not snapshot, low level driver, technology.
Melih, can’t Microsoft say what are their planes?

Other leaks seems to go in the same direction: (look by the end of the page the Windows 8 Push Button Reset).

An analysis of what Windows 8 Reset System would be:

They’re talking about Windows reinstallation, not snapshot technology:

It is notable that the sides contain a lot of mentions of “we are considering” and simply “could”, which would tie in with the brainstorming theory. If that’s the case, it raises the possibility that the leak actually comes from Microsoft so that it can get public feedback on the ideas but, if the response is hostile, deny they ever existed.

Melih, should we just stay here and wait for January, 7 2013…

Something is telling me I won’t be that patient…

now we will got system reset and history vault
i personally like the history vault, it sounds like an automatic backup utility for documents by default on
if it works like i think will be like having a another SVN for software developers like i

about the system reset, now we can reinstall windows without dvd… nothing more

about the time machine,… … eh? what time machine?

And since when this is what CTM does? Why this new Windows option will affect the CTM development? ???

That’s something I ask myself.