I have 2 computers, both W11 and both similar CIS set ups.
Every day it tries to update the database and fails about 50% of the time on both computers.
It always hangs at “Install signatures… In Progress 90%” Status: Activating the new updates" and 23% of total.
The new cav file is present in the signatures folder but the old one doesn’t get deleted and CIS doesn’t update to the new one as shown in the About screen.
The only way to cure it is to reboot as there is no way to stop and restart CIS otherwise.
This is driving me mad as it’s been going on for MANY years.
Hello everyone,
Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
The image below shows that the supplier ZEMANA is Reliable.
When I do the search, it says that it is Unknown.
How can I solve this problem?
There are times when it becomes Trusted and then returns to Unknown. Is this normal?
I’ve been thinking about it since my post above: I have some questions about the CIS Supplier List:
1 - Can I remove the list, and if so, what happens?
2 - After the supplier list is removed, will it be automatically updated in its entirety? Or is it only updated based on the suppliers of the programs I have installed on my computer?
3 - If the list is removed in its entirety, am I safer? Or will it not change anything?
From memory, it’s been awhile, it will re-populate the list based on what you have installed and what you run. You’ll save a lot of headache keeping Comodo and Microsoft and some of your most used programs in that list at the very least.
Thank you my friend,
I’m going to remove it because there are things that I don’t use, I hope it only fills with the programs that I’m using.
Because there are things there that are Chinese and I don’t use.
Hello. Dear EricCryptid, my CIS started blocking C_powershell today.exe_6989217CDE27F5A937A4B6997129487C6B764533.ps1 shows that it is not known. What do you think I should do, allow the launch or not?
You can contain or allow depending on what you were doing. It’s part of Embedded code detection as detailed below.
That is, if I still give the command to ban, it will not harm the system?
I’ll tell you what I do.
I always go to the folder where the scripts that CIS created are.
I go and delete all the files, then go to CIS and select FILE LIST and set it to Purge, then they all go away.
Knowing that COMODO won’t leave this file as LEGITIMATE, I prefer to delete it.
To this day, my machine has not been infected.
Thank you, I will do so.
Hello. EricCryptid, I ask for help. I deleted C_powershell.exe_6989217CDE27F5A937A4B6997129487C6B764533.ps1 and now after each computer startup CIS finds a new public network every time
Are the networks all 192.x.x.x. or something different? I get new networks for using Windows Sandbox. I don’t know what your firewall configuration setup is. If needed, you can import a default configuration from the Program Files / Comodo folder.
I think I understood, yesterday I activated Windows Sandbox. Maybe this is the reason?
Yes. Networking in Windows Sandbox is done by creating a virtual switch on the host, and connects the Windows Sandbox to it via a virtual NIC(Network interface card) and that connection is treated as a new network in CIS/CF. You can delete these network from time to time. There is an option in the Firewall>>>NetworkZones setting to disable detection of new private networks but it’s not something I’ve used as you have to then enter those networks manually but it would be cool to see a Temporarily trust networks as an option.
Thank you very much !!!
Hello, this has been appearing every day as soon as I turn on my computer.
I don’t know what to do anymore. I block it, I already allow it. I tried to find out what it is and my research says:
CompatTelRunner.exe is also known as Windows Compatibility Telemetry. This periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses so that improvements can be made to the user experience and possible errors can be fixed.
How can I fix this so that it doesn’t appear anymore?
Is disabling HIPS a good way? Will disabling it leave me unprotected?
You can safely disable it as follows:
Open Task Scheduler, navigate to the Task Scheduler Library → Microsoft → Windows → Application Experience folder using the folder tree, right-click the “Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser” scheduled task, and choose Disable
Locate the path of the powershell script and whitelist its folder.
I think this alert that HIPS is showing is happening after I checked this option that is in the image below:
Could it be that? I’ll do some tests.
Hello my friend, I did what you said.
When I turned on the machine today, another script was generated.
I didn’t understand!
When I look at the folders where the script is, the number of scripts keeps increasing.