New to Comodo [Resolved]


I downloaded Comodo after reading that WinXP firewall is inadequate. There is no Comodo manual at this time and I’m pretty cautious about software installation. It can become so time consuming when not done properly. I just need some general help:

  • Does Comodo disable the WinXP firewall upon installation or must I do so manually?
  • Does Comodo need to be registered with WinXP to be recognized as the replacement firewall, etc.
  • Are there any gotchas that I should be aware of?
  • General instructions/views please?


Hey ej442,

Firstly, welcome to the forums.

Comodo Personal Firewall (CPF) is a relatively easy install. If you have only been using the Windows XP firewall, there shouldn’t be a problem. If you’ve used another firewall (Kerio, Sygate etc.) you MAY strike a problem in that these applications don’t always uninstall cleanly and leave their info behind in the Windows Management Interface (WMI) repository. The windows Security Centre reads the repository for info and can only report on one firewall at a time, so in this case, it would still report the previously installed firewall.

The install won’t (I think) turn off the Windows firewall. Complete the install, manually turn off hte windows firewall and then reboot. CPF should then be acknowledged by the Security Centre.

If you get a “Error 1608 - Can’t initialise driver instance” error, this is caused by InstallShield which is the installer that Comodo are using (but not for long!). There is a link on the forums to the help section on the InstallShield website for the solution. It is basically uninstall all instances of the installshield engine and download the latest version.

There is a flash tutorial on how to manually set up rules for CPF at

The first thing you should do is to run the wizrd to set up a trusted zone for your network.

Hope all this helps and again, welcome to the forums.

Ewen :slight_smile:

One more thing - this firewall is rock solid!!! No other software firewall I’ve tried comes close. Once you’re familiar with it, you can make it as tight as a fishes ear!

Ewen :slight_smile:

The install won't (I think) turn off the Windows firewall. Complete the install, manually turn off hte windows firewall and then reboot. CPF should then be acknowledged by the Security Centre.

Hi and welcome,

To add to what ewen said, I believe the latest version of CPF added the ability to turn off windows firewall automatically on install.


Thanks panic & mike6688

Thanks very much for responding to my post. Everything went perfect and there were no hiccups in the process. I had used Sygate’s product which I was thrilled with. But after they were purchased by Symantec and no longer supported the product, I knew it was time to move on. Comodo appears to be more than a worthy replacement.

Comodo did not require manually turning off the WinXP firewall. Comodo handled it. It seems solid and I’m impressed.


Comodo did not require manually turning off the WinXP firewall. Comodo handled it.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Comodo appears to be more than a worthy replacement.....It seems solid and I'm impressed.

It can only get better.


The above url gives me …could not be found. Is this link still valid? Any other pointers?
Ciao, Al


Try this:

From the following forum topic:,395.0.html


Jo … works. Next time I’ll look a little harder :slight_smile:


First of all … sorry for my bad english.

I’m italian and a very new CPF user.

The problem : i can’t download the tutorial about the network rules. When I click the link, I see only a blank page.

Can someone help me ?



Hi Sergio,

The rules tutorial isn’t downloadable. It’s a flash based presentation thqt should just automatically run. If you have installed all the updates for IE you may have to click on the page to get it to run. Were you using IE to attempt to view the page? If so, did you get any error messages?

Ewen :slight_smile:

Panic I checked and the flash can’t be loaded.

Hey P,

I don’t know what the problem is. All I did to check was to click on the link further down the topic and it just worked - opened in IE without an issue.

The link I used was

The link is actually loading a file called, which is merely a placeholder for the flash file.

Can you please check this again.

thanks in advance,
Ewen :slight_smile:

Hi Ewen, it works with IE but not opera. Just a blank page.

Whod’ve thunk it? :smiley:

If object A works in one browser and not in another, there’s only one conclusion that can be drawn - the fault lies in the other browser. I’ve got no idea why Opera won’t read this - it’s just flash. Do other flash objects work in your browser? The tute was created with wink!, maybe Opera doesn’t like wink! generated flash code.

DKDC (Don’t know - Don’t care)

Ewen :slight_smile:

Thank to all for your help.

Finally I’ve seen the Flash, but only with IE. I use FireFox and that was the problem.

Just a thing … are the first two rules only for LAN user ? It’s OK ? I’m not in LAN and so I’ve applied only rule n.3 e n.4 on my CPF.

Have you other rules list to apply for major security ?

Have a good day.


Panic it doesn’t open with opera and firefox. Just add a notification that the flash guide can only be viewed with explorer :wink:

Hi,is there something in what I posted that is wrong or offensive to you? I merely made a statement that your tutorial didn’t work with the Opera browser as pandlouk has also confirmed.

Panic it doesnàt open with opera and firefox. Just add a notification that the flash guide can only be viewed with explorer

Sorry about that, I really didn’t mean it to sound like that - long days, too much work, not enough sleep and too few brain cells running the process. Hindsight is, as they say, 20/20, and looking back I can see how my comments have been interpreted.

Please accept my apology, it was never my intention to offend.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Ewen :frowning:

No problem, thanks.