New CIS 2024 is coming!

Xcitium AEP version 12.14 → For businesses (paid)
CIS Pro/Premium v12.2.x.xxxx → For consumers and home users (paid / free)

Merci pour votre réponse?
Mais pourquoi je n’ai pas eu la version CIS ???
Dans l’attente de votre réponse.
Bonne journée

Most likely your previous CIS got updated to CIS
I’m not sure if CIS can be updated to CIS without uninstalling CIS first.
But you can always uninstall CIS and then install CIS if you wish.

Re Bonjour
La version installée est la 8012, je n’ai jamais eu la 8026.
Dommage que cela ne se fasse pas automatiquement comme auparavant.
Puis-je installer la 8026 par dessus la 8012?
Et où la télécharger?
Merci pour vos réponses.
Bonne fin de journée

I’m afraid that CIS Pro v12.2.3.8026 cannot be downloaded anymore, neither from this forum nor from official Comodo site.
However you can download the latest CIS Pro v12.2.4.8032 (cispro_installer.exe → offline installer) from here :

Maybe you can install CIS Pro v12.2.4.8032 on top of CIS Premium v12.2.2.8012 but I’m not sure.
Best way is to always uninstall old version first before installing a new one.

Can you add in the new version an option here Comodo to ask for action in the drop-down menu?

Because he is deleting some legit stuff from time to time:

And I don’t want to change it to the other 3 settings, since it was bypassed by some threats in the past.

So simple add to ask for action please.


And another pic because of the limitation of the forum:

The 8032 is twice the size of the 8012.

Any idea why?

Because 8032 has some additional “goodies” packed inside the installer like Geekbuddy (which is an additional 65Mb in the installer package) which 8012 doesn’t have.
Both 8032 and 8012 CIS setup component are almost file byte size identical.
So the “goodies” inside 8032 installer package increases file size.

If you said XIS is the same as Xcitium Client Security (XCS), the current version is
If not, where can we find the download link of XIS?

Hi FFreestyleRR,

Thank you for reporting.
Kindly follow this format to create wishlist.
Attaching with screenshot would be appreciated.


CISfan bonjour,
Merci pour votre réponse.
Elle ne m’incite pas à faire la mise à jour de mon programme.
Je vais attendre sagement la version 2024!!!
Bonne journée

In 2 days XCS 12.15 is out

If only we knew when “New CIS 2024” would come out…

Soon it will come its really soon to arrive for beta testing and what i will test first is Valkyrie and FLS

Unfortunately we’ve heard and read the word “soon” plenty of times on this forum over the past years.
The word has lost its significance.
We need a release date…

yeah but i know it will come really soon and then i will test Valkyrie and FLS
Subbmited some files and turned Malicious from Xcitium

so, where is cis 2024?

its time, right?

It’s only been 17 days. Melih said 4-5 weeks so ask again in 3 weeks.


but @C.O.M.O.D.O_RT is an amazing guy he fixes everything

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