Network Options

I am not quite clear whats an ideal connection for network options like Home, Work & Public?

Now CIS 5.9 also has these options so I thought to try to get little more clear info.

SO whats an ideal connection for each options?

Work & Public is understood. Public for places like airports, etc & work for office networks.

But Home is little confusing.

Now I have a broadband connection. Its PPPOE Connection i.e I have my ISP’s dialer through which the net is connected on the system by entering username & password. The net is directly connected to system i.e the internet wire is directly attached to the system i.e nothing between the wire & the system. No wired network, sometimes printer is used, so what network options should I choose?


Home would be a ideal option for you
however if you don’t want to use or see other computers or devices on the network use Public
I too am from India with same network config as yours and I use public
The only difference is
Home=Allow all incoming and outgoing connection if the ip is in certain range
eg:- ip [] all ip between these range will be allowed
See screen shot for more details

[attachment deleted by admin]

From what I have tested.

Home doesn’t change anything to your CIS FW rules, leaves it as default install and creates a nework-zone called ‘Home #1

Work does make 2 rules to global and system application rules, allowing all in/out that is in network-zone ‘Work #1’ (your network/subnet).

Public has 2 stages, Secured or Unsecured.

  • Secured creates a Windows VPN tunnel interface to Comodo Trustconnect and connects you to it, will ask again after reboot + option to not ask again and start tunnel automatic if desired.
  • Unsecured is basically ‘Home’ doesn’t add anything to rules, leaves it default.

Remember these have nothing to do with the Windows “Home/Work/Public” just the names match.

So you mean Home option is the same as 5.8 with no changes in the rules?

Any Comodo default? Like Avast FW’s default is “Work”


I use “Public” with windows options & it works fine with or without router.

Other system with wireless connection also works fine.

Is “Home” safe? & is it Comodo’s default?


I chose Home in CIS New Network Found window & there appeared related entries to it in FW.

But Windows Network & Sharing Center shows Public.

Can anyone explain plzz?

Win 7 64 Bits.


As I said, they don’t have anything to do with the Windows FW names.
Beware that as soon as you change your Windows settings, Windows Firewall will be enabled again.

I want to know

WF is disabled & CFW is enabled.

CFW Network is set to Home option & Windows Network & sharing shows Public.

Will there not be any kind of network conflict because of this?

How can windows sharing & network be disabled? Is it needed if CFW is installed?


If Windows Firewall is disabled then ‘Windows Network & sharing’ can display what ever it want’s it’s no longer doing anything because the WF is disabled.
The GUI does not adapt to this and show a ‘red’ or ‘orange’ light which would have been better in my opinion.

Remember clicking on the public and changing this setting will automagically re-enable the Windows Firewall.

The bold above, I wanted exactly that info, thanxx.

Ans yes I hate when changing few settings enables WF.


Can you verify these again?
Here -

Home - Creates rules in Application, Global & entry in Zones.
Work - Creates rules in Application, Global & entry in Zones.
Public - No rules in Application & Global but an entry in Zones. (TC options unchecked under settings) I guess Public option is the default option of previous version 5.8, right?

Can you give little info on each network options new rules created on selecting them?

They haven’t updated the help files so asking here.


Home is the equivalent of ‘Trusted Networks’ in previous versions and is still the same if Stealth Ports Wizard with the first option is selected.

Work - Creates rules in Application, Global & entry in Zones.

Exactly the same as home with different IP blocks

Public - No rules in Application & Global but an entry in Zones. (TC options unchecked under settings) I guess Public option is the default option of previous version 5.8, right?

Pretty meaningless, unless you have a paid TrustConnect subscription, at least for now.

These ‘new’ profiles are a bit of a half way house, they’re good in some ways for recognising different environments, but quite useless in other ways for not going far enough. One only has to consider Windows 7 Homegroups, to see the limitations of the ‘Home’ profile. Likewise, the public profile, at least as far as it’s able to be tested with a free TC account, adds only a Network zone, which by itself means nothing.

Do you mean to say the rules in itself provide less security but mostly simplifies basic things for users?

No, not at all. The new profiles for ‘Home’ and ‘Work’ are are the same as defining a new ‘trusted’ network under 5.8 and earlier. The only difference between the two are the IP address ranges used. Essentially, if you used the ‘trusted network’ option under 5.8, you’ll probably continue to use the ‘Home’ profile under 5.9. However, now, If you take your computer to work, you can now add a ‘Work’ profile to cater for the different IP addresses used in that environment, at least as far as it goes. The only thing is, you could have done that anyway under 5.8, but without the pretty interface.

So in 5.8 & previous version I never defined the network. I always just cancelled the new network found window with the option dont detect new private network. So which option Home, Work or Public is similar/exactly to that.

If you didn’t use it before, you don’t need it now, so don’t select anything and check the box so that you’re not asked again. However, I seem to remember you’re behind a Belkin router?

I only use Belkin router to connect wirelessly the other system. If I want to use only the main machine I dont use Belkin router for some reasons or could say probs which we have discussed quite a lot here in comodo forum.

By the way,

New Network Found cancelled & using the net


Choosing Home Network & using the net

Any advantages & disadvantages each has over other?

If you’re behind your router, you’ll be on a ‘private’ network, so you’d want to use the ‘Home’ network option, as this creates rules that will allow you to use Windows file and printer sharing on your LAN. If you’re not using your router, don’t select anything. Personally, I’d suggest you get your router sorted out and use it continuously, it’s a more secure situation.

Home Network - File & Printer sharing is allowed, right?

Router is there & Home Network in CIS. Cany one one be able to steal anything from the system connecting through my wireless connection -

If my wireless is secured i.e password protected
If my wireless is unsecured i.e no password

Does selecting the type of network connections home, work or public in the above scenario affects in any good or bad way?


Adding a ‘Home’ or ‘Work’ Network allows for basic file and printer sharing between devices that share the same address block defined by the zone.

Router is there & Home Network in CIS. Cany one one be able to steal anything from the system connecting through my wireless connection -

If my wireless is secured i.e password protected
If my wireless is unsecured i.e no password

If your wireless network is secure there shouldn’t be any problems.

Does selecting the type of network connections home, work or public in the above scenario affects in any good or bad way?


Adding any of the aforementioned network types is only useful if you have a need. In the case of Home and Work, for basic file and printer sharing and in the case of public, the need to secure an otherwise open connection. If you don’t need any of the above, don’t use any of the profiles.