Error 101784

Hi there,

I’m getting error 101784 when Comodo Backup attempts a scheduled incremental backup to an external drive with Windows 7 64bit. Version 3.0.171317.133. I can push a manual incremental backup without any trouble - it’s just the scheduling.

Any ideas?



Please create a debug file:


I’m having a little trouble reproducing the exact error. I’ll put up further debugs as they come up. Here’s one file after it failed adding new data to an external disk. (Error 100027).

[attachment deleted by admin]

Sorry for double post. Was able to get the 101784 again. See attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Try to perform a check disk for the partition that you are trying to backup to see if any errors come up.

Thank you.

Check disk on both the drive I’m backing up and the drive I’m copying to were clean.

No other advice? Hasn’t backed up in weeks and getting the itch to try a different program.


The problem still occurs only for a scheduled task?

Thank you.

I’ve been getting various errors (55, 67) when I try to do a manual backup. None of the scheduled backups work.

You can try the latest BETA(4) of Comodo Backup 4 just to see if it still occurs.
You can download it from here: