Enhanced Protection Mode + VT Causes Nvidia Driver Installations to Fail [M1778]

I would like to update this thread and bring attention back toward the issue. This issue does not appears to solely be related to Enhanced Protection Mode, as the Nvidia Driver installation would proceed to fail, simply from CIS being installed with default settings enabled. Any status update on this issue would be appreciated.

For the time being, I have stopped using CIS as I do not want any conflicts with installing the latest Nvidia drivers as they are released.

Should be fixed with version 10. Please PM if not fixed.


The last version release of CIS seemed to resolve the Nvidia driver issue for me. I have not tested with the current (this week) release…

I was facing this issue since some time ago, with the latest CIS i manage to install without no issues.
i kept CIS opened and all enabled to test and installation was success.